HomeProphecyChoose to Serve The LORD This Day!


Choose to Serve The LORD This Day! — 5 Comments

  1. I Choose Jesus Christ! Why? Because he has been there for me at my lowest times in life, when experiencing my deepest pain, hurt, resentment, betrayal, gossiped about terribly, treated verbally and physically hard by my late father, the bullying growing up alone, no one interested with listening or trying to understand, so my life has been a complete mess. But Jesus Saved my soul, Sanctifying me daily, filling me with the Holy Spirit, which I can never repay, sincerely appreciating, but yes, I do but sometimes because I am human, I do have a heart, emotions, tears and feelings, so I fail at times, missing the mark, but try love the Lord, in the midst of hurt heart, never trying to portray to be a type of superhero, but just a servant of God, who tries to keep a humble heart and godly attitude, when 85% of the world is exercising sin, enjoying it and do not desire to turn from it, I am apart of that 15% who sincerely loves Jesus, yet holding on to his promises, no matter how dim the world is.️

  2. Praise God! Amen! God bless you, Pastor June Reinke! I receive and embrace this infallible Word and message from the Lord!

    The world is evil, you cannot trust to many, even the false prophets have increased to a great number, faced with oppositions, some opposition have faces attached to them, all around me and I am sure many other believers around the world, but we continue to pursue, pressing in Jesus’ Name, towards the mark, enduring the race in the divine Strength, Might and Spirit of the Lord. In the heat of the battle in spiritual warfare, praying against demonic entities, having others releasing them through the carnal devices of the devil, television, cell phone and so many other portals.

    Yes the battle is very real, neighbors who are being used demonically to slam doors and bang on walls to disturb a Christian believer’s peace, faith, focus and concentration. A roommate who welcomes evil spirits through their lifestyle, just for me to make an attempt to leave, but even more walls of opposition challenge me, the fervent prayers and so forth, but God is greatly, worthy to be Praised, Glorified and Honored, worthy to Lifted up under, in the earth, in the heavens.

    Thank you, for sharing! God bless you,praying your strength in the Lord God, extending much love, peace and blessings!️❤️