HomeProphecyChosen For Such a Time as This


Chosen For Such a Time as This — 12 Comments

  1. Dear God’s vessel Sandi, I say a huge thanks for your intercessory prayers for me, my family & others! While typing this reply, the Lord interrupted me to say “HE wants you to train other intercessors through the Baptism of the holy spirit ahead of many visitations & new assignments as only you can’t cover or do it all. I hear touring of Asia!  Many many journeys/ moving from one location to another for the spread of the Gospel of Christ ahead of you! Further More, HE said He will help Carry the burdens & make provisions. Kindly pray over this message. Thanks & God strengthen you.

    • Dear Adams, That is so special. Perhaps you never knew I lived in Singapore for quite some time and Asia is definitely my most favorite part of the world. I take it very seriously and will definitely pray into it. I had my passport and everything I had with me stolen the last time I was in China and the Lord sent an Angel to help me get back home. He is a faithful God who covers it all. I will definitely be praying and seeking the Father for His heart and direction in this! May God bless you and keep you in all His ways, Sandi

  2. Thank you Sandi for this timely word. May God’s children now be invigorated to walk in Father s will and have restoration and blessing for such a time as this for his glory. Trusting in his word bless you amen

    • Thank you Susan for your blessing. I receive it. May we all arise and shine for HIS gloru in this time of great darkness and may His glory carriers multiply quickly. So grateful, Sandi Holman

  3. His life-giving, evil erasing, majestic heart of love always shines wonderfully through your writings, Sandi.  Love you much, Gary

    • Thanks so much Gary. We are in a very personal experience intimate time with the Lord of Glory, are we not? Always so good to hear from you. I so appreciate your response and kind words. Miss seeing you two!! Love and blessings, sir. You are truly one of a kind! Sandi

  4. Amazing Grace. how sweet the sound of Adventure and Restoration! Lord, I’ll be careful to guard my heart with all diligence and allow no place for strive. Thy will be done in Government on earth as it is in heaven. Thank you Sandy and God bless you for bringing forth this word.

    • Grace to you dear Jennifer. I so appreciate your firm affirmation of the Father’s heart and voice to us in this hour. May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His light to shine upon you and give great grace!! Sandi

  5. Thank you Lord for you are the only one Wise & all knowledgeable God who is never late but always ON TIME! Lord, create in me a clean heart that will not harbour evil. Father, because you chose me,don’t let Satan hinder the manifestation of your glory upon my life in this season & beyond in Jesus name. Lord, because of your faithfulness; establish, keep & deliver president Donald Trump from all evil in Jesus name. Thank you Dear Sandi. More Grace to hear God’s instructions & stay focus

    • Thank you so much Adams for that encouragement. I stand in agreement with you for that prayer. May the Lord keep you and keep shining His light ever so brightly on your path and in your heart one day at a time. So many blessings, my brother, Sandi

  6. So good Sandi, bless your beautiful heart for sharing!!
    I’d just like to share something super cute that came to mind as I was reading g this word.
    I have a 3 year old granddaughter, and her all-time favorite show to watch is PJ Masks, soo cute!! They’re like little avengers fighting evil.
    They’re motto is “Into the night to save the day!!”
    Astounding!! :)

    • How precious is that Cheri, only a little child. I love when the Lord uses the simplicity of children to get our attention to wake us up to the reality of ‘and a little child shall lead them’…because they have not developed a ‘mind that thinks it has all the answers’. Thanks much for sharing. Grateful for your transparent, beautiful heart that follows hard after His heart, Sandi

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