Whenever a person claims they’re being persecuted, it’s not always a sign of how strong their “faith” is.
Continue reading →Whenever a person claims they’re being persecuted, it’s not always a sign of how strong their “faith” is.
Continue reading →“Time closes in on all men and on the systems of the world. This is great news for those whose hearts are fully submitted unto Me!” says The LORD.
Continue reading →God sees it and He knows it. This belongs to Him. Wait it out. Wait out this circumstance for it will surely change!
Continue reading →Sensitivity is more than just responding to hot or cold, breezes, sunshine or rain. It is more than seeing the colors of the rainbow!
Continue reading →“My Purposes and plans will unfold in your live, on time and without fail,” says The LORD. “For I AM completely in control and in charge.”
Continue reading →I have been inundated with questions asking — and even some demanding an explanation — why August did not seem to bring much in the way of “Awe or Aghast?”
Continue reading →Let’s Stand in Agreement and Pray on Behalf of the Children. Father Abba Adonai I come petitioning Your throne on the behalf of the children you have given us.
Continue reading →The news is hardly uplifting is it? Lies, more lies, deceit, wars, rumours of wars, threats, atrocities — the more you look, the darker everything seems.
Continue reading →So, today I heard The Spirit say, ”It’s time to build Apostolic and Prophetic Houses and establish War Room Roundtables, for the days ahead!”
Continue reading →“There are many things at work during this hour. The upcoming Election will throw your Nation into a tail spin,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“I knew you, and I called you out, and and I appointed you for this day, this hour, this season, this time,” says The LORD.
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