HomeBiblical TeachingThe Plain Truth About America


The Plain Truth About America — 7 Comments

  1. Sir, just to know I promise that only this moment have I read your post here.

    Such truth here you stated! I have just released to HKP this morning a fresh article and a word I received. Many of the scriptures were also from Zechariah. What Lord’s timing on this.

    God bless you and Celeste much. Joyce

  2. Good beautiful Day Mr. Dewey.
    I thank you for all of the encouragement the Lord has blessed His people with through you, especially in this dark day.
    I don’t believe that any nation is “Just another nation” to God. I believe America is a forerunner nation. I believe it’s no accident that we represent every nation in the world, and when He pours out His Spirit here, and we are properly humbled, I believe we’ll be a sign to the Nations that our God is real, and that the Lord Jesus Christ has come in the flesh was crucified and is risen….HALLELUJAH!!
    We argue about the most ridiculous things, and the enemy loves it, division, as we know, is his game.
    We must stay strong and United! We must keep our eyes on Him and the Kingdom to come. We needn’t compare ourselves with each other….jew….gentile….Jerusalem…..America. We are One in Christ.
    God bless your beautiful heart Mr. Dewey! :)

  3. You are right, America is not Israel. No other nation can replace Israel. Israel and America have 1 thing in common though, God almighty birthed both of them. That’s why we are to pray and stand for this nation. God would not have us give up.



  5. Isaiah 1:7 your land is desolate Your cities are burned with fire Your fields strangers are devouring them in your presence
    It is desolation as overthrown by strangers.  Sounds like the United States to me.  You people need to look at the first chapter of Isiah and some of the other old Prophets you will see many parallels between these two country’s.  One God chose Isreal the other chose to call themselves a Christian nation and called upon the name that Isreal had rejected Jesus Christ. Most churches in America have slandered the name of God like Isreal of old. They worship in name only their hearts are far from Him. But like Isreal of old the great God and Father of Jesus Christ will give this nation one more wake up call. And it is not Donald Trump even though he has and will be used to make peoples aware of the problems. His own right arm will come and perform judgment and soon.
    Don’t be like Isreal and continue to reject the truth.

  6. Thank you, brother Ken. The Lord Himself has declared via numerous of His prophetic servants that the U.S.A. is a country in covenant with Himself. So be it.