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Christ Soldier! — 1 Comment

  1. Praise God! Amen and Amen! God bless you, beloved and beautiful sister in Jesus Christ! This is the truth and the Lord Jesus Christ is showing me personally, of how to remain grounded, abiding, rooted in him. I’ve discovered that sincere prayer, just communing with the Lord regularly, with the fruit of my lips of heart felt thanksgiving, of gratitude, seeking him for direction on everything, not making God a last resort.

    There are many distractions, as the adversary uses the electronic devices of this world to capture the mind and heart, a world of entertainment is offered to allure those who may be stable in Christ, as I’ve experienced this in my very own life, but the Holy Spirit leads, guides, if we truly desire for Him to do so, praying in the Spirit, asking Him to lead and guide us in all things.

    I humbly and kindly thank you, for sharing this encouraging reminder. I pray that the Lord Jesus Christ continues to use you in a very special and mighty way, all for His Glory! I extend the peace and love to you dear sister Syreeta Thomas!❤️❤️❤️A beautiful post.

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