HomeBiblical TeachingFight From Victory


Fight From Victory — 2 Comments

  1. Fighter fighter in the RING
    Raise ur HANDS and fight …fight through PRAYER fight with determination unleash the roar and see know ur father in heaven has ur BACK. The ONE in the RING is our Savior whose fought the BATTLE 4u 4me on the CROSS and WON!!
    NO GREATER WEAPONS than JESUS dying raise and PRAISE from the dead.

    “I see you putting up a new weapon of warfare, fighting from the top, right on top of the hill, for you a city set upon the hill that cannot be hidden.  You will not be thrown down, for I have already overcome the world.

    Fight from victory with the joy of your Father, for you are born of Me, and have overcome the world!”

    THANK U PR J. AHUA⏰⏰⏰☝☝☝☝

  2. Later Jesus found him at the temple and said to him,” See, you are well again. Stop sinning ( which is breaks the law – 1Jn3:4)or something worse may happen to you.” – Jn5:14. Amen!