HomeProphecyGreat Grace to Finish the Race


Great Grace to Finish the Race — 13 Comments

  1. Thank you for this very encouraging word from the Lord. As I was reading it I heard a song called Joy in the Journey by Michael Card. Love, Joyce

    • Love that song, Joyce. Thanks so much for sharing your very encouraging thoughts!! Blessings and love to you, Sandi

    • I so appreciate your agreement BH, Agreement is such a powerful weapon the Father has given us. God bless you richly as you so bless, Sandi Holman

  2. Thank you dear sister, your words are always uplifting.
    Praise The Lord we are living in such a time like this, could not be better!
    I believe everything you wrote and I receive in the Mighty Name of our Living Jesus.

    • Good day, dear Sareeta, and thank you for your kind words of affirmation. What a joy and honor it is to be living in such a time as this when all the world shall see that the Lord God Almighty/Adonai is the one true God and ruler over all the earth. Many blessings to you, Sandi Holman

  3. One definition of revival is ‘new life through great grace.’
    (see *Kathie Walters)

    This can be expressed numerically as:
    (about) 120 = 8 + 5 x 5 (Acts 1:15-26).
    One of my rates bills was for the sum of $1208.50.
    Coincidence, but then I received a pin number from the bank with the following numbers:
    1285 (the account has been closed)

    A gold nugget was discovered in **Victoria that weighs 5.5kg (multiplication).
    God’s ‘great grace’ is more valuable than gold. Indeed, the nugget has additional value because it is a large nugget. The nugget is in the shape of a ***map of north Queensland, where I live.

    There is a living sign concerning ‘great grace.’ A politician in Brisbane, capital city of Queensland, has the name “Grace Grace.”




    • Thanks so very much, Peter, for sharing Kathie’s word and all the confirmations. What powerful revelation the Lord is giving you with those GOLDEN nuggets. He is so good. I love how our Father uses numbers to define, affirm and teach us. It is so important to understand the power of numbers for our days are numbered by the Lord, our creator. He uses numbers to speak to us re: power. Like 2 in agreement. God richly bless you, my brother, Sandi Holman

  4. You are one of a kind encourager, prophet, teacher and friend. AS ONE we shall march forward in Victory. WE Won’t Cave In! Love you dear sister, xoxo Sandi

  5. Absolutely this Word spoke to me, Sandi. What a timely word and confirms a personal Word that had just been spoken over me.

    The thought just came to me as I started to write this,
    “We won’t Cave in”!

    Although opposition is at an all-time high, the Victory is just getting sweeter. The Holy Ghost is given to those who obey.

    Let us march on in unison obeying each command from the Father.

    I love you sister. Big hug

    • You are one of a kind encourager, prophet, teacher and friend. AS ONE we shall march forward in Victory. WE Won’t Cave In! Love you dear sister, xoxo Sandi

  6. Sister Sandi, so much of this word richly resonates with me, and I believe much of this the Father is speaking to His world right now. This is a time like no other, and He has and is shaping us to be true imagers of His breathtaking countenance to the world! His resurrection power is allowing us to step out of the tomb of old creation, into the light of new creation, and ALL the possibilities of our true identity! Its His time expressed in glorious fullness to our time! All allegiance and honor to King Jesus!

    • I so appreciate the witness you received and I am in total agreement this is a time like no other and we shall carry the light to the Glory of God. Many blessings, Brian, Sandi

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