HomeProphecyFrom Heaven’s War Room


From Heaven’s War Room — 4 Comments

  1. Oh Deborah, if only you knew what I’m sitting in at this very moment. Once again I’m surrounded by such evil and wickedness….in my own home, which is on the third floor of a 3 story condo. They’re involved in a witchcraft that they manipulate and twist in such a perverse way, I can’t even describe what I’m enduring.
    This word is so timely Deborah, thank you, and thank You Abba Father!!
    I pray for them and keep asking the Lord to help me NOT to be led into offense, it’s so so hard!! These are people who think it’s a game, a joke!! They’re infested with spirits of “bullying”, deep perversion, and extreme witchcraft!! But the Lord has shown me in dreams and visions how they will run.
    A few weeks ago He spoke to me after yet another night of torment and said, and I quote, “They will come crawling to you.”
    I asked Him this morning that when they begin to reap what they’ve sown, I’d like Him to use me in They’re healing, deliverence, and restoration!!
    Again, the timing of this word for me is impeccable!!
    God bless your beautiful heart Deborah!!

    • Dear sister Cherish, I know you since some years by your comments here at HKP and I want to comfort you and to confirm, that your experiences are REAL and not insane thoughts or only in your mind !
      These battles are not sent from our LORD but planned and orchestrated by those who practice evil perverse witchcraft. They follow everywhere, they have illegal access to all
      our devices, they observe our homes 24/7, they watch through walls with military technolgy and they mock EVERYTHING private. It is satanic psychoterror. GOD KNOWS the names of these criminals, and their punishment will come !

  2. Hello Deborah, I thank you for this encouraging word from our Lord Jesus. I needed this as I am going through some hardships right now. I receive this and pray for those who offend us. May the Lord bring those people that are under the power of the enemy to repentance so they can have peace and eternal life. Many Blessings to you and yours!!!