HomeProphecyLet your spirit dance with joy!


Let your spirit dance with joy! — 1 Comment

  1. Very uplifting, dear sister Deborah with the chosen name after judge, prophetess and musician Deborah.
    A roadway in the wilderness… and final destination the way of holiness.. Thank you for this great reminder on this 14th day of May.

    I am glad they did not cancel or fire me in the new job. The contract was from the 1st moment on only for MAY. So MAY-BE they`ll need me longer, maybe not. An increasing disease is gossip behind the scenes. Everywhere. In every country.

    Blessings & greetings from another Miriam :-)
    I know the Hebrew roots of my name and I am grateful for this.
    When my 2nd name`s roots are from “carol” then it means “holy song”.

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