HomeProphecyLet’s Get to the Heart of the Matter!


Let’s Get to the Heart of the Matter! — 10 Comments

  1. Oh Sandi, I desperately needed this at this moment, thank you for sharing.
    You and I have much in common, I was called in 2015 to pray for my family, the church, my community, my region, my State, my Nation….and Donald Trump. And thus began the greatest battle I’ve ever known. I was directed through extreme discipline to cast into the Fire the world I’d become immersed in.
    It’s Minnesota I’m interceding for. Just a few of our issues are full term abortion, witchcraft, debunking our police, and giving protection to any child who has a whim to remove their precious God given reproductive organs. These children can come to Minnesota and have these procedures done without parental consent or knowledge….
    I’m persecuted night and day while being able to hear in the spirit just about every voice but His, although He has opened me to hear from time to time precious morsels of His affection for me.
    I do believe that this Season is about to change and become above and beyond what I could have ever imagined.
    I’ve just come out of yet another night of extreme attack, so we have this in common as well.
    I wouldn’t change it for the world Sandi….literally, lol!!
    I’ve fallen in love and stand before Him with my heart torn open every moment, as He examines the deepest depths of me and removes spots, wrinkles and blemishes blocking my reflection of His Being.
    We are fellow comrades Sandi, Soldiers together in the Greatest Battle the World has ever known….His Kingdom Come!!
    God bless beautiful lady!!

    • Absolutely D, “We are fellow comrades Sandi, Soldiers together in the Greatest Battle the World has ever known….His Kingdom Come!!”. Thank you for your great input and agreement, Blessings and love, Sandi

  2. Great post Sandi. It was like reading “Therapy for heart wounds”. Your sentence “Love is Hard” is impactful. “Calvary kind of love” is not only hard – I believe it is impossible- in our own strength. Without His grace. who can love like that.

    In a time of such global and national darkness – when the world is spinning everywhere but to the cross – its good to be reminded of the cross. All roads lead vack to Golgotha.  Blessings to you.

    • Ja, jeder Weg führt zurück nach Golgatha und zum Kreuz. Aber auch zu seiner Bitte an den Vater.
      Vater, vergib Ihnen den Sie wissen nicht, was Sie tun.
      Dies ist für meine Begriffe, auch ein Gebet zum Schutz für uns Menschen..

      [ HKP : “Yes, every path leads back to Golgotha and to the cross. But also to his request to his father. Father, forgive you for not knowing what you are doing. In my opinion, this is also a prayer for protection for us humans.” ]

      • Amen, Gutheil Elfriede! THank you so much for your input. Many blessings, Sandi Holman

    • Thank you, Liz for your powerful comment: ‘Therapy for heart wounds’//May His mercy and grace keep up and carry us through as we take up the cross. Blessings and love, Sandi

  3. What a beautiful moving word, Sandi. Out of the hidden treasures of your heart are you pouring out and helping many people!

    Thank you my friend and sister for your true surrendered life! Deepest blessings and heart hugs. ❤️

    • Joyce, my friend, I am so grateful that you were moved by God’s word to get to the heart of the matter. Love, hugs and prayers, my sister, Sandi

  4. My heart aches to read this post Sandi, as I was suddenly reminded of the flood of attacks I faced when I had briefly moved to MS. I had forgiven and moved past it but it pains me to hear of a few similar circumstances. I was so blessed and comforted by your posts many times. I still go back to the declaration posts and put my fingers on words of empowerment and pray over them and gain strength. I ask the Father for overwhelming victory, peace, and joy over your circumstances and heart. Thank you Sandi

    • J, you are so welcome. I have experienced many unexpected things personally ever since the Lord called me to write a book about the issues of the heart. It has been a huge challenge. I so appreciate your comment and words of encouragement. May you press on declaring and allowing the powerful words of the Lord to establish all that you need and all that HE is doing in you and for you. God richly bless your sensitive heart. Prayers for you as you move forward! You are so welcome, dear one. Sandi