Lion Bites — January 2025
Daily prophecy for January 2025, republished with the kind permission of the Global Prophetic Alliance. Every Monday — Friday.
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10 January 2025. Above the Chaos
“Beloved, I, The LORD, have set a higher standard for My People to rest and take refuge in Me. I AM calling you to rise to higher places with Me far above the chaos and distractions around you. My Desire is for you to experience My vantage point as we soar together at great heights. As we begin to feel the thermals and ascend, take My Hand and don’t look down. Stay focused on Me. I will be that comforting and stabilizing force as you rise.
As we ascend through the clouds, keep your eyes on Me only. Just like an image becomes unclear when a snow globe is shaken, avoid fixating on the clouds or anything else that can hinder your view of what I wish to reveal to you. By maintaining your focus on Me, I will guide you toward clarity. With Me, you’ll find peace as you understand your new surroundings while staying calm and allowing everything to become clear.”
Activation : Picture yourself inside of a shaken snow globe with the snow swirling about you. As you visualize this, reflect on a current situation in your life where you need the Lord’s clarity. Ask the Lord to share with you what He sees and His perspective regarding this situation. Ask Him to reveal its clear details to you. Additionally, according to Philippians 4:7, ask for His peace, which transcends all understanding, to guard your heart and mind in this situation. As you feel His peace settle you, visualize the swirling snow settling, allowing the image He wishes to show you to come into full focus and with clarity.
Psalm 46:10-11 (ESV) “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exhaled among nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. Selah.”
Psalm 32:8 (AMP) “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you [who are willing to learn] with my eye upon you.”
Exodus 14:13-14 (NKJV) “And Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever. The LORD will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.””
9 January 2025. Be Intentional
“My beloved ones, your quest for new heights, depths, and widths in Me brings Me great joy. You have meditated My word and prophesied accurately as led by The Holy Spirit. I commend your efforts and salute you for that. Additionally, you have even assisted those in need and done what was right. But there is one thing that has gradually diminished and gone amiss. As you have concentrated on doing the work of The Kingdom, you have inadvertently forgotten the core foundation of My Kingdom: My new Commandment to love one another, both within The Church and in the larger world. The time is up for mere “minuets” — superficial politeness and lifeless dry-bone Christianity.
It is time to plunge deeply into My love and freely give of Me as freely you have received. The time has come to genuinely care for what is going on in other people’s lives and to give with intention, in whatever form that may be. Just as I sent My only begotten Son to model pure love and selflessness, I AM calling you to love with the same unconditional love. I AM beckoning you to defy social norms and to “get your hands dirty” even with those who seem to be the most “improbable” people according to society’s standards. My children, I want you to stretch wide and get out of your comfort zone, for generosity knows no bounds in My Kingdom. So invest in others and dare to go out of your way for the sake of My love. In so doing, you will truly be recognised as Mine.”
Activation : Take some time to reflect on the love that you’ve extended recently to other people beyond your family, friends, and those within your close circles. Have you intentionally demonstrated the true love of Jesus rather than just religious traditions? Take a moment and examine with The Holy Spirit any feelings that you might have against specific groups of people. If so, ask Him to reveal the reasons why and repent. As you pray, listen for practical ways that Holy Spirit may guide you to love others as Jesus loved you.
John 13:34-35 (AMP) “I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, so you too are to love one another. By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you have love and unselfish concern for one another.”
1 Corinthians 13:1-3 (ESV) “If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing.”
1 Corinthians 13:8 (NLT) “Prophecy and speaking in unknown languages and special knowledge will become useless. But love will last forever!”
8 January 2025. Eyes of Fire
“My beloved, I see you. You captivate Me. I desire to increase the intensity of My gaze. Will you come into greater levels of exposure before Me? Be brave, be vulnerable. My eyes of love are also eyes of fire, ready to penetrate your innermost being with power and life. Step closer, feel the heat, remove all veils, and let down your guard. For in this proximity, My eyes will burn impurities off you; they will burn off the things that you are carrying that I have not asked; they will burn off the passions that have dampened your resolve for obedience; they will burn off the distractions that slow you down. Through repentance, I will burn off the sin that has felt like it has consumed you and see it no longer. But beloved, you must come willingly, soft-heartedly, and with a desire for Me to see every part of you.
After the burning what will remain? The gold. What you have built for eternity for My kingdom will remain strong and refined. You will stand purified, strengthened, and holy as a beacon of My grace and mercy, as one who can release hunger for holiness into My bride. You will stand in a place of greater authority and influence; whatever I overcome in you will become a sharpened sword in your hand, an area where the enemy will recognise your victory and fear you.
But My beloved, even greater than this, will be the unhindered intimacy that you will step into, deeper than you have ever experienced as you become aware of how fully known and fully loved you are.”
Prayer : Jesus, I come close. I am hungry for more of You, and I long to be vulnerable and exposed in Your presence. I relinquish the veils before me, even the ones I am not aware of. Jesus, purify me in Your gaze; burn off what should not be there. I long to stand before You completely surrendered, transformed by Your fire, and empowered by Your presence in me. You are my strength, and You equip me for battle.
Psalm 18:31-32 (ESV) “For who is God, but the LORD? And who is a rock, except our God?— the God who equipped me with strength and made my way blameless.”
Revelation 1:14-15 (ESV) “The hairs of his head were white, like white wool, like snow. His eyes were like a flame of fire, his feet were like burnished bronze, refined in a furnace, and his voice was like the roar of many waters.”
1 Corinthians 3:14-15 (ESV) “If the work that anyone has built on the foundation survives, he will receive a reward. If anyone’s work is burned up, he will suffer loss, though he himself will be saved, but only as through fire.”
7 January 2025. Stone of Help
“I know the language of communication you use, and in this season, I will use what is around you day by day to communicate with you. I want you to take note of the ways I speak to you in your daily life as a reminder of My complete omnipresence and encouragement of My closeness for the seasons ahead when you will need this reminder. It is time to raise an Ebenezer: a reminder of who I am and My involvement in your life, from days past to the very present. I will be the same God in the seasons ahead, and as you raise your ‘stone of help’ (eben = stone; ezer = help), I will be an ever-present help for you in times of trouble. Remember Me first as your Father, the one who looks after you and has adopted you as My child into My kingdom. You will always find your hope in Me. For I am your great fortress, the Almighty God, your very present Father who welcomes you in every time and season. Wherever I take you, remember that I am Yours, and you are Mine.”
Activation : In Samuel 7:12, the people of Israel raised an Ebenezer (a stone of help) as a reminder of how God delivered Israel from their peril, serving as a symbol of gratitude for the Lord’s divine help. God wants to remind you how He is always in your life, protecting you and helping you in all your times of trouble. Ask the Lord today how you can raise an ‘Ebenezer’ in your life to thank and honour Him as your Deliverer and Help. This could simply be a song, a shout, praise, or anything that serves as a reminder of who He is, prompting you to stop and remember the Lord’s faithfulness as you give thanks to Him, your ever-present help in times of trouble. Ask, and He will show you!
John 15:11 (ESV) “These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.”
Ephesians 1:5-6 (NIV) “He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will – to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves.”
1 Samuel 7:12 (NLT) “Samuel then took a large stone and placed it between the towns of Mizpah and Jeshanah. He named it Ebenezer (which means “the stone of help”), for he said, “Up to this point the LORD has helped us!””
6 January 2025. Praises
“Just as a rudder controls the movement of a ship, so does your tongue hold within it the mighty power to release life or death. By it, you can bless or curse. Your tongue is a mighty weapon that must be used with great care; therefore, I caution you to be as wise as the serpent and as gentle as the dove in how you speak. Use My wisdom always, and My wisdom counsels you to pause and be led by My Spirit rather than by the tongue. As you do, you will receive strategies from Me that will release My truth, My plans, and My freedom because you are being led by Me.
In dire times and in moments of challenge, rather than allowing the tongue to release the problem, release the solution; this is praising in advance for the victory. There are issues and situations you are facing that require you to adopt this strategy so that My purposes for you are released into the atmosphere. Do as Jehoshaphat did during the battle and release a battalion of praise, worshiping Me, and you will see that the battle belongs to Me, assuring you of great victory as I fight for you.”
Activation: Genuine thanksgiving and praise to the Lord are powerful weapons for victory. Start by thanking God and expressing gratitude for even the small things, and let worship transform into praise. As you lift your praises to Him, you will see your thoughts begin to align with His thoughts and plans for you, granting you a heavenly perspective on your situation. Like Jehoshaphat and his people, you will overcome by using this powerful weapon. Commit to this practice for 5-7 days and watch what God can do for you.
Psalm 33:11 (TPT) “His destiny-plan for the earth stands sure. His forever-plan remains in place and will never fail.”
2 Chronicles 20:22 (NIV) “As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated.”
Acts 16:25-26 (TPT) “Paul and Silas, undaunted, prayed in the middle of the night and sang songs of praise to God, while all the other prisoners listened to their worship. Suddenly, a great earthquake shook the foundations of the prison. All at once every prison door flung open and the chains of all the prisoners came loose.”
3 January 2025. Cease from Striving
“My Child, you are the righteousness of Christ, so keep your eyes on Me, the author and perfector of your faith. Just as an artist fixes his gaze on the object he paints in order to reproduce its likeness, keep your eyes on Me to reflect and display My Image to the world.
As My Beloved, I Declare over you that you are valued, restored and redeemed through My finished work on the cross. I paid a high price, so let all striving cease. I want you to rest in My love and live from a place of complete acceptance and approval in Me.
When you feel tempted to sin and make mistakes, I do not want you to stay away from Me, feeling ashamed. Instead, in those moments, look at Me. Don’t allow shame or guilt to keep you from My Presence, draw closer, look into My eyes and feel My heart for you as you confess your sins. I will cleanse and heal your heart from the impurities that would tarnish and I will reveal the lies that attempt to wrongly define you and misrepresent who you truly are. Whenever your heart makes you feel condemned, know that your loving Father is greater and more merciful than your conscience.
My love for you is so great, experience the freedom and joy of new creation living. Cease from striving and rest in completeness. Live your life from the place of your original identity in Me.”
Prayer : LORD Jesus, thank you for your great love for me demonstrated on the cross. Thank you that you were willing to pay such a high price so that I might live as one who is holy, flawless, and restored. Help me to always keep my eyes on You and remind me, by the power of the Holy Spirit, of what it means to live as one who is accepted in the Beloved.
Ephesians 1:6 (NKJV) “To the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved.”
Hebrews 12:2 (AMPC) “Looking away [from all that will distract] to Jesus, Who is the Leader and the Source of our faith [giving the first incentive for our belief] and is also its Finisher [bringing it to maturity and perfection]. He, for the joy [of obtaining the prize] that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising and ignoring the shame, and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Matthew 13:45-46 (TLB) “Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a pearl merchant on the lookout for choice pearls. He discovered a real bargain—a pearl of great value—and sold everything he owned to purchase it!”
2 January 2025. Fresh Wind
The LORD says to you today, “I AM coming like a fresh wind of hope and renewal this season. It is not a forceful wind, but a guiding breeze that glides with passion that will sweep you away and empower you to drive change that matters.
Listen to Me nudging you to come away and spend time with me before you are blown into this season of change. I have secrets that I AM going to give you in these times of intimacy with Me. Secrets for you only, that will encourage, refresh, inspire, and surprise you! You can only get what you need to carry you through this season through Me. Come and get excited about the plans that I have for you that will change your family, your finances, your work and all the other areas of importance in your life. What I will show you will give you wisdom and understanding for Kingdom Advancement, in ways you can only dream of! Come partner with me and see the fulfillment of My Promises come alive before your very eyes!”
Prayer : Dear LORD, thank You that you are bringing change and a new direction into my life. I ask You to help me to be receptive to your nudges to spend time with you. Empower me to not give into distraction, but to rest in your presence so that I can receive the guidance, wisdom and insight I need to move with your fresh wind this season. I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen
Activation : Set time aside to sit with your heavenly Father and ask Him to show you the direction He is taking you in. Write this down! He will give you direction and guidance for this new season which will bring up more questions to ask. Don’t be shy, keep asking and he will give you the answer as you search for them, asking Him the steps you need to take regarding the direction he has given you. Be attentive to his moving wind in your life and have faith that he will give you all you need to move in obedience with Him!
Luke 8.25 (ESV) “Then he asked them, “Where is your faith?” The disciples were terrified and amazed. “Who is this man?” they asked each other. “When he gives a command, even the wind and waves obey him!””
Jeremiah 33.3 (NIV) “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”
Numbers 23:19 (ESV) “God is not a man, so he does not lie. He is not human, so he does not change his mind. Has he ever spoken and failed to act? Has he ever promised and not carried it through?”
1 January 2025. Gather the Jars
Elisha said, “Go around and ask all your neighbours for empty jars. Don’t ask for just a few. Then go inside and shut the door behind you and your sons. Pour oil into all the jars, and as each is filled, put it to one side.” (2 Kings 4:3-4, NIV)
“Consider what I showed Elisha. Where there was nothing, he saw possibility. Where there was poverty, he saw provision. Where there was limitation, he saw abundance.
I want you to see through the lenses of Elisha. I want you to believe for the radically impossible. I want to take you on a journey. Firstly, in your own life. Rather than seeing lack, ask me to show you what I want to do and what I want you to do. Are you ready to gather vessels for oil that does not yet exist? Are you ready to look foolish in the eyes of others?
Secondly, I AM releasing you to lead others into the same anointing. Will you boldly instruct others to get ready for my outpouring? Oh my child, I AM asking you to be brave, to be willing to put yourself out there. I have so much oil to pour out among my people but the vessels are not gathered and the oil is not expected. Change the lenses and raise the faith and together let us break down the limitations.”
Activation : Spend some time reading through the story of Elisha and the jars and then ask Holy Spirit to speak to you through this story. Going into the new year, what aspects of this story does Holy Spirit want you to apply to your context?
Psalm 23:5-6 (NIV) “You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of The LORD forever.”
2 Corinthians 9:8 (TLB) “God is able to make it up to you by giving you everything you need and more so that there will not only be enough for your own needs but plenty left over to give joyfully to others.”
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Amen and AMEN.
Thank You Jesus ❤️
Yes Amen and AMEN