HomeProphecyLoosed from Your Infirmity


Loosed from Your Infirmity — 7 Comments

  1. MY WORD!!!
    Earlier Today…I started to go into
    My clothes closet. Felt the Holy Spirit
    Wanting Me to-Opened the door
    -thinking I’d turn on the light for something-
    decided No and started to shut the door.
    As I Turned around to leave-Holy Spirit
    had Me catch a glimpse of a shirt.
    I shut the door but felt HIM tell me to
    Reopen and Look at the Word on that shirt!!!
    It was a patriotic long sleeve Top and
    in small letters was the word: LIBERTY
    I Knew of what the Lord was Speaking
    to Me. And NOW HE Prompted Me to
    Read this Word of Yours.

    “HE is the LIBERATOR!!”
    “HE’s come to LIBERATE Me”
    From all written in this word!!!’
    Yes Mighty God
    Jehoveh Tsaba
    So be it
    Now!!!! By YOU In YOU With YOU
    I Receive it Lord !!!
    THANK YOU !!!! <3

  2. I declare my freedom healing and deliverance from sickness and disease in Jesus name
    I dare take the steps of faith to enter my destiny in Jesus name

  3. That decision to change your mind let the truth of the new testament transform your thinking as you set the boundaries and parameters of your life according to the truth of Jesus’ word. The old you will be tempted again and again to use logic, medical science, internet information, and testimonies filled with tempting satanic reason will bombard you if you let it. God does not lie His word is absolute truth 2 Corinthians 10:4-5
    Amp 4 The weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood]. Our weapons are divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. 5 We are destroying sophisticated arguments and every exalted and proud thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought and purpose captive to the obedience of Christ,

  4. Thank you Jesus. I & my family members are lossed from our infirmities & every satanic operations in our life. Jesus has set us free & we are free forever & walk in liberty Amen. Thank you Dr June

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