America: Conditions For Change (Part 1)
God has given us this grace to repent, and grace to forgive. Beloved, he is giving us a chance; a small window of opportunity is here; we must turn back to God!
Continue reading →God has given us this grace to repent, and grace to forgive. Beloved, he is giving us a chance; a small window of opportunity is here; we must turn back to God!
Continue reading →I heard The Spirit say, “Tell My People its time! Lift up your eyes and see! For heavy dark clouds are now rising from the east.”
Continue reading →Holiness is not suggestion, it is a requirement! And we will give an account for every deed and idle word spoken.
Continue reading →We have entered a spiritual war against the abomination of desolation entrenched in the ruling culture of America and most of the world.
Continue reading →Watch! For a great unlocking and locking is now taking place over the United States of America
Continue reading →The LORD says: “My child, I want to talk to you today about the truth behind what is transpiring in the world.”
Continue reading →The LORD says: “Beloved, don’t think for one moment that My People can’t see what is happening in America!”
Continue reading →As we were in prayer, I had two visions, the first of which I wish to share with you here as a warning to pray for the United States of America.
Continue reading →The LORD says: “Watch! As the Sword of My Spirit now comes to suddenly and swiftly to sever the strings of the puppet master.”
Continue reading →A Word of sober warning: I saw 7 mighty Whirlwinds sit upon the palm of His Hand and then being released upon the Nations!
Continue reading →“Watch! First the sharp Sickle of Triumph, now the sharp sickle of Divine Justice and Judgement shall fly across the nation,” says God.
Continue reading →I see a swarming of rising demonic activity released in a desperate and aggressively way to attempt to destroy President Donald J. Trump!
Continue reading →I knew very well what yesterday was and is. But The LORD gave me a very strong Word to be posted yesterday.
Continue reading →The LORD asks: “Have you ever wondered about why The White House is white, set aside and so very unique?”
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