HomeProphecyAngels of Daniel Nine Are Being Released Over America!


Angels of Daniel Nine Are Being Released Over America! — 23 Comments

  1. This is a very crucial time to cry to God for the United States. This passage from Daniel is apropos especially since it is Dan. 10:12 and happened while he was fasting for three weeks:
    Then he said to me, “Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words.”

  2. Thanks for all the prayers raising to God’s throne room on behalf of America and for our rightful President Donald J.  Trump and his beautiful family.  If I may
    Request prayer for lsrael, and Benjamin Netanyahu .  The arm of hell are working over time to just not to stop these hand pick men ,Trump and Netanyahu , they want them dead beecause if America and Israel are destroyed, then there goes the tree st of the world … with God’s hand and help we all are going to be celebrating
    Our true library and freedom as God plans
    Thanks again fellow Believers in the way.

  3. Hi Veronika much of what God has spoken through you aligns with Tim Sheets’ last few prophetic words and sermons. God is calling us to pray in earnest.

  4. O hear the one song …when i saw Daniel (chapters 9 and 10)

    Ah Lord God, Thou hast made the heavens,And the earth by Thy great power;
    Ah Lord God, Thou hast made the heavens,Thou hast made the heavens,
    And the earth by Thine outstretched arm Nothing is too difficult for Thee,
    Nothing is too difficult for Thee,

    Great and mighty God,
    Great in counsel and mighty in deed,

    Nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing,
    Nothing is too difficult for Thee.

  5. Beautiful word, much needed today.  I believe the Book of Daniel is becoming very relevant in these coming days, particularly the Daniel 2 prophecy which I believe will be fulfilled based on a multitude of prophecies.

    Does anyone have insight as to what ‘for the time is 10:12’ is referencing?

    • I believe the 10:12 reference is to the 12th verse of chapter 10. Daniel is told not to fear because since he first began God’s mission for him, he has prayed. His prayers were heard. God has come to him because of his prayers. God has heard our prayers for America and has come to us when we are troubled and need strength, guidance, justice, and delivery. God is with us as we are in this battle, both physical and spiritual, good vs evil.

  6. This really spoke to me this morning as just a few days ago, I heard the Lord say to me, “A Stitch in Time Saves Nine” and did share it with my husband. Holy Spirit is speaking to His servants and also bringing confirmation. My heart is burdened and praying…over this Word…and for America. The Lord has given me such a love for America and the American people. Praying for His Divine protection over the United States of America and President Donald J. Trump and his family.

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