Only by Eternal Grace
Except that we overcome by Grace, there is no other way in which we can overcome the onslaughts of the enemy.
Continue reading →Except that we overcome by Grace, there is no other way in which we can overcome the onslaughts of the enemy.
Continue reading →The time has come for you to know that your heart is ready to receive the Revelation of The Father’s intent for your life.
Continue reading →During this last week, there has been a picture I feel God has been painting of some of the works of chaos ahead, but Him helping us in the midst of it.
Continue reading →“Forever I have planted you into My Kingdom, and you will not be uprooted,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →Deception in the Evangelical Church is so high, that we now have false prophets putting out sermons telling you to beware of false prophets!
Continue reading →“The time is upon you, that I AM mobilizing My Army from all the corners of the earth! The War is on, but the Victory is mine,” says the Captain of The LORD of Hosts.
Continue reading →I am posting a Vision I perceived on December 12, 2023 2:28 pm which I have been praying about.
Continue reading →I first had this back in 2019, and it was raised in conversation again this morning, as The LORD is speaking now.
Continue reading →Important Message from Jesus: Portals opened — A Rift in the Fabric of the Spiritual Realm — Great Testing
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