HomeProphecyAmerica, Listen and Pay Attention!


America, Listen and Pay Attention! — 22 Comments

    • Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise him all people here below, Praise him above, Ye heavenly host, praise FATHER, SON, and HOLY GHOST!.  AMEN
      ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS, We march together into battle for our Lord and his chosen Elect Our President, and Commander in Chief Donald J Trump! Tomorrow has been slated as a National prayer day for our President, Please join in as we will pray for our President, his family, and his Administration. God will do the rest and lead him with his great wisdom! I have been saying that because I was employed by this President before he became our 45th, I know he was anointed by God.  Yes, I have been mocked and laughed at, by those who are ignorant and the definition of the word is simply not knowing! I know that this man is a winner and can not tolerate defeat! I believe in my heart, that even with his flaws, and lets remember our disciples were not flawless either, God has merged him with his Son Jesus Christ who we know NEVER FAILS!  I believe that this is Sheer Perfection, as only God is capable of doing! President Trump walked into the White House a praying man! We have a man who LOVES and LIVES TO WIN and we have Jesus Christ who NEVER FAILS! I say that God meant for them to be ……..PERFECT TOGETHER! How could anyone disagree?  Amen!

  1. Praises to the Lord of Hosts who will fulfill His word “A bruised reed He will not break”. Repent.
    Thank you, Miss Veronika for this encouraging word from the Lord.

  2. All shall know and realize to this intent: The LORD Most High rules and reigns in the kingdom of mankind and gives it to whomever He will. May we all intentionally sanctify the LORD of Hosts in our hearts and let Him, alone be our fear and our dread.

    Thank you for the Word of the Lord.  Though I am no longer able to view facebook, I am still deeply encouraged and exhorted by your ministry.  Again, thank you.

  3. I agree President Trump is God’s chosen and will win the coming election and will be totally successful, but we must pray for him daily. I love and admire him. He’s God’s choice for the United States and if anyone cannot see this, I pity them.

  4. Amen and Amen! So be it! It is so! God is on His throne! Praise His Mighty Name! All Glory to God in Jesus name! Awakening in America!! To the Gospel of Jesus & a return to Jesus in magnified,multiplied way! For He is the WAY & the only WAY to the Father! Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus!!

    • I have said tt he iss Gods chosen elect to b a vessel and do Gods I knew this before h even threw his hat in the ring!! God gave me the gift of knowing through being able to feel his presenc in my own life and I have known when he needed me. I have helped people when they have been dying to find peace and cross over to him! I have no explanation, no do I need one. My relationship with god is very personal! The Lord leads and I follow! This president was also my fomer boss at his Taj Mahal Casiino!  q

      • I am so sorry for the typos, but I know that you will understand when I say I have been having pc glitches. This will not prevent me from saying what needs to be said, Everyone must know why there is storm and strife happening around this beautiful, and wonderful world that God Created.
        His will shall be done, and without question. He will smite thy enemies who have not followed his teachings, or commandments.. With Christ in our hearts we can accomplish anything. we must follow his lead willingly and not out of fear because he will protect us.

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