Behold the King is Coming Soon and Every Eye Will See Him!
“Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him, and all tribes of the earth will wail on account of him. Even so. Amen.” Revelation 1:7.
““Behold, I AM coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to repay each one for what he has done.” Revelation 22:12.
“Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” Matthew 24:44.
“Behold, The King is coming soon and every eye will see Him!
He will not be hidden in The Secret Place, but every eye will see and every ear will hear.
His Voice will go out across the Earth and He will reign in righteousness.
The enemy thinks he can withstand Him, but he cannot, for his defeat has already happened.
Rejoice, for your Redemption is near.
Do not fear, but be of good courage, for heaven is on your side as you step out in Faith and honor the words of the One who sends you.
This is the time of great Harvest, of miracles that have not yet been seen, of gathering of multitudes into The Kingdom.
This is the time when the enemy will be shown to be a defeated foe, for he will not be able to restrict or contain My People as they advance into all that I have for them.
These are days of My Glory being manifested on the Earth.
Do not be silent but tell others that I AM coming soon!”
~ Sarah Elizabeth Angus
Sarah Angus was born and raised in England then lived in Czechia with her husband Stuart before moving to New Zealand to raise their three sons, where she’s been involved in missionary work, evangelism outreach, youth pastoring, chaplaincy, pastoral team, prayer counseling, preaching, intercessory prayer, and women’s ministry. She writes fiction and non-fiction, and has blogs for her poetry and Prophetic Words received from The LORD. Her greatest desire is for others to know the Love of God and receive the free gift of Salvation through Jesus Christ.
HE will not be hidden in The Secret Place, but every eye will see and every ear will hear.
This is the time of GREAT HARVEST,
The Day The Earth Stood Still.
This is not the coming for His Bride either, yet all eyes shall see Him.
All Glory to The KING of kings.
Bless you Jennifer. I believe this is the time of great harvest. The Holy Spirit is going to transform lives.
Yes and Amen!!! ♥️
Bless you Marietta. Thank you for your agreement.