Dead Churches
Following my HKP post called “Church Reformation Time,” in which I made a reference to ‘dead Churches’, I was asked to define “a dead Church!”
It was quite disturbing and painful to examine myself and my own motives and prejudices in order to come up with a reasonable, scriptural, definition.
For better or for worse, here is what I wrote.
This should make ALL of us who call ourselves Christians to weep!
Dead Churches are, in my humble opinion, Churches that fulfill this verse:
“having a form of godliness but denying its power.” 2 Timothy 3:5
Dead Churches can be defined as one or more of the following ways –
- Those who only pay lip service to Holy Spirit.
- Those who deny any or all His gifts.
- Those who eschew the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
- Those who deny or just don’t practice healing, prophecy, deliverance, and speaking/praying in tongues.
- Those who hardly, if ever, preach the Gospel.
It’s a damning list to which one could add:
- ‘those who have no evangelism’,
- ‘those who embrace what God and scripture defines as abhorrent’,
- ‘those who deny Israel(!)’,
- ‘those who ignore orphans and widows’ …. and more.
There are plenty of Churches where few or none of these things are true, the theology and doctrine is sound but sadly, the majority practice religion rather than practicing Faith.
They practice it sincerely and, to the best of their ability, with a true heart, but the main reason for all this is “ignorance”!
Yes ignorance!!
We can have all the book learning and theology in the world yet you can still be ignorant.
They’ve never been taught . . .!
The majority of those who lead dead Churches, never even speak about, let alone teach about, The Holy Spirit.
Many never preach The Gospel.
An old Barna Survey years ago — but recent enough to be relevant — showed that around 90% of Churches in America and The United Kingdom hardly ever preach the Gospel!
Fortunately, I am very aware that this is being corrected nowadays. However, when one still hears true tales of wonderful old people, who attended Church faithfully for over 70 or 80 years, yet who don’t understand ‘saved’, or ‘born-again’, then one has to ask questions!
This is heartbreaking to think about and verbalise, but, from a biblical point of view — it is true! We often cherry-pick that which we teach and preach!
There — I’ve said it!
I’ve probably broken a few taboos on the way, but I’ve brought something that needs to be addressed into the open.
Make of it what you will, but please, don’t sweep it back under the carpet again.
In love and tears, because we’re all guilty to a degree . . .
A Dead Church According to Google/AI
Final post on this theme!
The definition of a ‘Dead Church’ as described by Google in response to my asking is amazing.
My question to Google was, “When is a Church ‘dead in religion’?”
“Google/AI” replied, and I quote :-
“ A Church is considered “dead in religion” when it is spiritually deficient, even though it may be active in other ways.
Some signs of a dead Church include:
- The Church ignores or misinterprets the gospel
- The Church preaches a false gospel or none at all
- The Church denies essential doctrines
- The Church is immoral
- The Church has an unhealthy prayer culture
- Attendance is decreasing
- Giving is slowing down
- Baptisms are decreasing or stopping
- The Church lacks community outreach
- Members are resistant to change
Other signs of an unhealthy Church include:
- The senior pastor has all the power
- The Church is not open about its finances
- The Church has requirements in addition to the Bible
- The Church removes scriptures from the Bible
- The Church’s culture is exclusive
- The pastor does not teach the Bible ”
Perhaps the world has a more realistic view of the Church than the Church has of itself?
~ Chris G. Bennett
Chris Bennett came to salvation in 1962 but didn’t begin ministry until 2007 — a late-comer! Now mandated by The LORD to prophesy and open old wells of revival in the U.K., but especially in Wales. He has also operated Healing Rooms, and worked with deliverance teams, all with his wife, Linda. Happily now doing whatever The LORD asks of them! Founder, with wife Linda, of their ministry The Upper Room Encounter.
Es stimmt,auch ich musste über 65 Jahre alt werden um Glaubensgrundlagen zu hören, die relevanten sind. Dabei wurde ich von zu Hause aus, Christlich erzogen. Allerdings ohne tieferes Wissen.
[ HKP : “It’s true that I too had to be over 65 years old to hear the basics of faith that are relevant. I was raised as a Christian at home, but without any deeper knowledge.” ]
How about the fruit of the spirit! Just as important as the gifts. In fact think about people you know, who may function in the gift, or gifts, many, but there is no fruit, or so little you barely notice? Gifts are without repentance. Fruit is what Jesus seeks! Both are important especially the fruit.
Love it! Yes…indeed on point woman of God! Jesus told us to look for it, bc gifts can operate and manifest w/lying wonders in/dark spirit/s Matt. 7:15
Yes, I totally agree with this comment. I don’t agree with this article. I believe that it is judgemental of other believers faith and walk with God. I too have experienced plenty ‘froth’ and ‘appearance of life’ in certain types of churches, but it was false. I would prefer to worship in biblically solid ‘traditional’ church than one that is preaching a false gospel.
Faith in a dead church Rev. 3:1-6….it happens – The ‘angel’ of the church is the leader. They had ‘works’ but no ‘walk’ – CHURCH speak life….and LIVE!
May I say that it would help a great deal for the churches and individual members to return to the essential, foundational, fundamental doctrines of The Cross, The Atonement, repentance, The Blood of Christ and what it accomplished on Calvary, sanctification…
ALL of these basic themes are related and as I said foundational. I am sure an understanding and revelation of this basic teaching would produce great results
yes – and we know sanctification comes w/washing of the water of the Word, to the soul of (mind, will, emotions) humanity, which in part, is an overall theme of our theology in Christendom. Come Holy Spirit – let us dwell w/Him.