HomeProphecyDead Churches


Dead Churches — 7 Comments

  1. Es stimmt,auch ich musste über 65 Jahre alt werden um Glaubensgrundlagen zu hören, die relevanten sind. Dabei wurde ich von zu Hause aus, Christlich erzogen. Allerdings ohne tieferes Wissen.

    [ HKP : “It’s true that I too had to be over 65 years old to hear the basics of faith that are relevant. I was raised as a Christian at home, but without any deeper knowledge.” ]

  2. How about the fruit of the spirit! Just as important as the gifts. In fact think about people you know, who may function in the gift, or gifts, many, but there is no fruit, or so little you barely notice? Gifts are without repentance.  Fruit is what Jesus seeks! Both are important especially the fruit.

    • Love it! Yes…indeed on point woman of God! Jesus told us to look for it, bc gifts can operate and manifest w/lying wonders in/dark spirit/s Matt. 7:15

      • Yes, I totally agree with this comment. I don’t agree with this article. I believe that it is judgemental of other believers faith and walk with God. I too have experienced plenty ‘froth’ and ‘appearance of life’ in certain types of churches, but it was false.  I would prefer to worship in biblically solid ‘traditional’ church than one that is preaching a false gospel.

  3. Faith in a dead church Rev. 3:1-6….it happens – The ‘angel’ of the church is the leader. They had ‘works’ but no ‘walk’ – CHURCH speak life….and LIVE!

  4. May I say that it would help a great deal for the churches and individual members to return to the essential, foundational, fundamental doctrines of The Cross, The Atonement, repentance, The Blood of Christ and what it accomplished on Calvary, sanctification…
    ALL of these basic themes are related and as I said foundational. I am sure an understanding and revelation of this basic teaching would produce great results

    • yes – and we know sanctification comes w/washing of the water of the Word, to the soul of (mind, will, emotions) humanity, which in part, is an overall theme of our theology in Christendom. Come Holy Spirit – let us dwell w/Him.

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