HomeProphecyDiscern, Disarm and Deliver


Discern, Disarm and Deliver — 14 Comments

  1. I’m so glad that I read your post. It was necessary to read it to be right with God as I can speak without thinking at times.

    I have paid attention to all that you have spoken. I have repeated what you directed us to repeat.

    Your post is one of importance for each one of us. Thank you.

    • Dear Theresa, I am so glad that the Discern word spoke to you and benefited you in your desires to have your heart right with the Lord. We are all in a Journey of the Heart with Him one day at a time. Many joy-filled blessings, Sandi Holman

  2. First, Mhhh, good morning. I don’t usually jump in defense of others’articles on HKP. Still this time I felt like sharing with you, as I have seen many valuable insights you have shared with me before. You seem really open to learn.

    If you read again Sandi spoke: It is very important to discern properly and not allow our opinion to rule our actions. We must take off our ‘thinking caps’ and receive the mind of Christ to rightfully discern…”

    She was I believe, using that as an eg. Out mind must be renewed daily in Christ. She was not talking about emptying our mind to receive other spirits to come in as is in New Age, etc..

    If you read in context, we need the MIND of Christ to rightly discern. We have to allow His mind to be in us.

    Phil. 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus”… Respectfully, Joyce D McGuire

    • Thank you for your reply, Joyce.

      I was a bit concerned about that particular line, so I am glad that you have clarified this for me.

      If you have read my posts then you will know that I have witnessed & experienced a LOT of weird and wonderful stuff in the last 2-3 decades in the church, which I now understand was new age, heresy and deception, causing great damage in lives.

      In my professional life designing literature, meaning of words and use of language matter very much. Part of my job is to read the text before I lay it out and ask questions of the author/expert in order to ensure that I understand ‘the message’ accurately. Text is reviewed, re-written, checked and re-checked before it goes to publication. In many contexts one letter, number or character can mean that someone can literally die, so attention to detail is vital.

      As we have seen in recent years, the meaning of words and language is being changed to mean something else, and information presented in a certain way. My professional experience enabled me to cut through this quickly.

      God gave his children the written and spoken word – not a picture book, so I believe it is important to read it ourselves and pay attention to it. Paul told Timothy, ‘Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth’.

      • To clarify, dear mhhh, I only have seen and corresponded back on the comments you have written in response to my articles.
        Your heart is kind, I believe but you like so many of us have went through some most hard places! Keep reaching out and growing in the Lord dear one. Hugs

    • My friend, Joyce, I so appreciate your wise input and comments that take the discernment to a high level regarding taking our thinking caps off (our human reasoning) and letting His mind be in us as an act of obedience and seeing from His mindset only is a place that is upfront and personal for each of us. Love you and your transparent heart, Sandi

      • You are welcome. I sure need the Lord all day long, every day!! We all do, but many just dont know it. That is so sad. I love and apprecate you my Sandi friend, and all you give out to so many of us. Joyce

  3. I was also wondering if the enemy is afraid of tears of intercession and does he try to shut them down?
    Just asking because I attended the funeral of a friend last week and when a lady (whom I had not seen for a few years) saw me in tears, I was taken almost in a headlock, with her face pressed firmly against mine, spoke in my ear and had her hand up to my cheek. It did not feel like comfort but a form of control, and as though she could slap me to keep me quiet. (I have had people shut grief down before & I don’t put up with it now).
    When I visited this church they stepped back from me because I am ‘ritually unclean’ re c-19. I was crying because this elderly friend served the church faithfully, but was alone for two years during lockdown & not managing. I know she is in a better place, but what happened in lockdown was inhumane and makes me very angry.
    It is a mark of prayer and a work of the Holy Spirit.
    Jesus prayed with tears and groans, & Paul preached with tears. 
    (Hebrews 5:7) Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared;
    The Holy Spirit interprets those groans and sighs. (Rom 8:26) Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

    • Dear Mhhh, Your replay about tears took me way back to when I first was called as an intercessor and people would say ‘do you cry all the time’..I would leave every meeting with my mascara running down my face. LOL! What a tender heart you have and how the Lord wants to use you to pray and yield to His heart for those that are lonely and often broken-hearted. We are all in His Personal Training School of leaning in and listening carefully as we are being transformed one day at a time with the Holy Spirit. Thanks so much for sharing, Sandi Holman

    • Mhh the enemy is afraid of real transparency I believe. We should be able to grieve with tears.
      To me that is healthy, I remember after I lost my first child through death, I was strong in the Lord.
      Still my heart had to grieve! Even so, at the funeral a friend who came up to me I felt safe with, as I broke down crying, pulled back from me, and said,
      “Joyce, I thought you was stronger than that!”
      It hurt but I learnt a lesson I could learn no other way: The arms of the Lord is the only TRUE Safe place to always fall. Keep moving forward, with the ones you are assigned to help. m sure you are helpng many. Blessings

      • Bless you, Joyce – yes! The Lord is our Shepherd and walks with us through the dark valleys.
        Churches preach that if you follow Jesus, all will be wonderful and rosy. I believe in being real, honest and transparent about struggles, griefs and failures – being wise who you share with.
        When I was caring, toward the end, I had to ‘set my face like flint’. That is when you find out who your true friends are.  I always think of Ruth, who followed Naomi, even when she told her that it was pointless and that she was angry and bitter at God.  Ruth pressed in and became part of the lineage of Jesus.
        ‘His purposes will ripen fast, Unfolding every hour; The bud may have a bitter taste, But sweet will be the flow’r.

  4. Not sure about ‘taking off our thinking caps’.  We are to love God with all our minds and to be renewed in our thinking and in our minds.  How do we do this? Not by emptying our minds, but by reading the word regularly.  Eph 6:26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it (the church) with the washing of water by the word. This will help us discern what is right.
    I was actually thinking about the scripture ‘for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal’ this morning.  As well as the scripture, Paul also used his knowledge of the law of the land and his earthly citizenship as a ‘weapon’, to stop him being flogged & preach to the Sanhedrin (Acts 22). So we can also use our ‘earthly’ knowledge and experience to further the kingdom. 27 ministers successfully challenged the illegal lockdowns of church in my country, because they knew the law of the land. 
    Intercessors are not only called to pray, but to physically act and intervene using their natural gifts and talents. We also learn from and use our experiences. As a professional ‘creative’, I am aware that ‘creatives’ are ‘spiritual’ – and liable to follow false teaching or spirits, so the bible is essential for discernment. As a carer, I use my experiences to challenge bad practice in the ‘system’.

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