HomeProphecyFrom the Church Age Into the Kingdom Age


From the Church Age Into the Kingdom Age — 3 Comments

  1. I may repeat these things but it is important to really understand what the “love” of God is and “how” we show Him oir love, because surely there will be times when you “feel” love to God and that is most often by feeling a deep thankfulness.

    John 3:16 is most often understood as God gave His sin “because that He loved the world so much”, but the true interpretation says that He loved the world “in this manner” and that He gave the world His son as an example of how to obey God. In other words, God did NOT love the world and the world’s ways of doing things but He gave them Christ as an example to follow! 

    “For God so (in this manner) loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son (as an example of perfect obedience to Him), that whosoever believeth in him (beleiveth that you must obey God in the same manner as He) should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

    “love one another as ( only in the manner) I have loved you that ye also love one another (by obeying the Father as I do) By this (and only by this which is showing love by obeying the Father) shall all men know that ye are my disciples John 13:34

    So, you show your love to God by that you love to obey Him.  This is the only true “love” that exists in the Universe and is totally apart from the way human thinkl they love.That is why people devoted to God often make people feel offended because they show no love in the manner human expect.(1John.5:3