God’s Grace!
This is utterly amazing and is going to melt your heart, so get some tissue as you walk in a deeper understanding of God’s great grace.
Ever since I’ve been teaching on grace the entire month of January and obtaining greater understanding at the power of God’s grace, one thing stands amazingly clear. Remember as we look at grace we will also see this continually that Jesus did nothing except for what he saw the father doing.
“So Jesus answered them by saying, I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, the son is able to do nothing of himself (of his own accord); but he is able to do only what he sees the father doing, for whatever the Father does is what the son does in the same way [in his turn]” John 5:19 Amp.
The word ‘sees’ here in Greek means to discern! Therefore, the only works Jesus did was the works of the father and not his own!!!! Whatever the father was doing was saw and did himself.
Now as you by the living God are filled with more grace (grace upon grace) you are able to have greater discernment by holy spirit in the power of his word and in what the father is doing. It is absolutely crazy how the discernment to see what The Father is doing exponentially increases and accelerates by grace.
“16 for out of his fullness (abundance) we have all received [all had a share and we were all supplied with] one grace after another and spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing and even favor upon favor and gift [heaped] upon gift. 17 For while the law was given through Moses, grace (unearned, undeserved favor and spiritual blessing) and truth came through Jesus Christ. 18 No man has ever seen god at any time; the only unique son, or the only begotten god, who is in the bosom [in the intimate presence] of the Father, he has declared him [he has revealed him and brought him out where he can be seen; he has interpreted him and he has made him known]” John 1:16-18 Amp.
This grace poured out upon us of Jesus Christ and his righteousness causes us to see the father clearly as it relates to what he is doing n the earth. What is completely amazing is that as we have been learning about grace, my spiritual eyes have been open like crazy and I see what the father is doing either through seeing him heal people and I merely speak what I see the father doing and receive reports that people are healed.Moreover, the prophetic gifting and spirit of prophecy has increased to where by god’s grace I am able to see more than ever before and tell people, ‘I can only tell you what I see,’ and give it to them. Then I get messages within hours or days that god has performed the very thing that i saw.
It then hit me as I talked on the phone yesterday with a friend to pray for her son. She called me and said Robin, I need to talk with you and get your counsel, which is absolutely crazy because I teach on this with Job 29:1-4 and grace, based on a dream God gave me with the Prophet Job and audibly reading scripture to me in the dream while I saw Job in his tent on January 16, 2015. (it is in the YouTube video of Healing of the Soul, Session 22)
This is what blew my mind; I taught on grace in God’s Fire Wall School of the Prophets Omega Trek John 5:30 and also Healing of the Soul Session 22. In both classes, Holy Spirit spoke specifically and confirmed it that we are looking at the forest in our life and not seeing past the trees and onto the ground where there is sand or granules of dirt.
He said ‘Robin, My people need to see the sand.” I said that on January 10th and on two weeks later in teaching Healing of the Soul, I find myself doing it again as I look at Job 29 and see where Job wants to make a nest (room) where is days are multiplied as the sand. Moreover, God had me teach on grace form a quantum physics theory on the 4th dimension through a geometric figure that looked like an hour glass.
In saying all of this, God took me to the fact that His thoughts towards us are more than the sand on the seashore.
“How precious and weighty also are your thoughts to me, o God! How vast is the sum of them! If I could count them, they would be more in number than the sand. When I awoke, [could I count to the end] I would still be with you” Psalm 139:17-18 Amp.
God said that we need to seek him with all our heart, mind, soul and strength to find him and his thoughts of a hope and a future (see Jeremiah 29:11-13). We need to see His thoughts. We need to see god’s hope. We need to see the sand!.
What is utterly amazing is that the root word to glory in Greek means vantage point, view, view point, thoughts, etc. Therefore, God opened my eyes and said His glory is every present, His grace is ever present, His thoughts and heart and vantage point are ever present if we would but see it. However, we are so distracted by the forest (life’s circumstances) that we do not see the sand and as a result cannot discern what He is doing, what grace is doing; what the love of the father is working out in the earth.
As we have been seeking after god’s grace he has caused us to realize that we have to seek him clearly and know that we can do nothing in our self-righteousness but only in the righteousness of Christ Jesus. It is the trials and tribulations that cause us to know how unrighteous we are and how righteous Jesus is. To know that are failings are only to be met by see god’s unfailing love and what he can and will do. By being met with love, with grace to be poured into our person where we are filled and added with even more grace. As we have this grace we have The Father’s thoughts and heart whereby we see His works we see what he is doing. We see his heart and his love towards us and others.
This is God’s grace, this is God’s glory, to look at the sand on the seashore and see His works in your life (your past, present and future). As you see god in your past, giving you his love you are able to see the present time reality of his grace at work in your life now. Moreover, you are able to see clearly at the prophetic word (his plans and purpose, His future) for your life in days and years to come.
Press into grace, press into beholding god’s glory and see through his eyes with the lenses of grace. To have our eyes opened up to the knowledge of god’s glory. Woo hoooo! That it is here we simply have to have the knowledge of it. That his glory covers the earth as the waters cover the sea.
“But [the time is coming when] the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the lord as the waters cover the sea” Habakkuk 2:14 Amp.
A saint crying out to God for fullness of deliverance and the manifestation of salvation.
~ Robin
Robin Kirby-Gatto operates in the prophetic, bringing the testimony of Jesus into the earth through the scripture Revelation 19:10 “For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” Robin walks in God’s Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding and is brought into areas to bring a revelation of God’s Truth, The Word as the Holy Spirit brings forth God’s anointing into her ministry.