HomeProphecyGod’s Great Troublemakers Are Rising!


God’s Great Troublemakers Are Rising! — 16 Comments

  1. Dear Father, please empower & strengthen Your people in this season to be filled with the fire of the Spirit of Truth. Help us to daily accept that we no longer live, but Christ lives in us, thought, word and deed. Lord Jesus, be that burning coal in our mouths and the guard over our lips. Be our Victory and Salvation, no matter what temptations may come our way. We choose to decrease that You may increase. Dear Spirit and Power of Elijah, we receive You. You are loved, wanted and welcome. Please stay. Lord Jesus, we step out of Your way so that You can “Always do the things that please the Father” in our places. In Your name we pray, amen.

  2. Abraham LOOKED for a CITY whose builder and maker was GOD.
    But, John SAW! John saw the HOLY JERUSALEM descending out of Heaven from GOD.

  3. Thanks for sharing, Veronika. This is the time of deep and abiding humility required from the prophets. We are not moved by the whiff and whim of man, but will only bow to the word and way of the One seated upon a throne before his glorious Father. This authorized and resurrected King will only stamp, blow, and move upon those who are shaped and formed by His hand. They will not fear what evil and unrighteous men may and will do, but fear the One where all His enemies will be made a footstool for His feet! It is the moment to enter deeply into the steps of the King, with conviction and surrender, knowing His treads will always lead us to the heart and intentions of the Father, he loves most! King Jesus, we fully rely upon, and surrender to the One who was sent and remains. It is time…! All allegiance and honor to King Jesus!

    • yes I feel the arising….I have beren classified by the church as a troublemaker because i stand on the WORD only and do not compromise. I worked 27 years in the field of Doctors Without Borders and though we were told not to prosletize I felt a kind word of the Lord and a caring topuch was needed either in Christian countries but usually in Muslim countries.I spent 11 yrs in Africa and was mentored by Derek Prince and then spen the last nine years in Asia amoung the Thai, Vietnamese, Cambodian, and Chinese people.4 When prompted by the Spirit, which is always, I stand and shout and proclaim the Gospel. Not ashamed of the gospel. Rebel to the core and to the end. Shalom Blessings

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