HomeProphecyPilate’s Dilemma: What is Truth?


Pilate’s Dilemma: What is Truth? — 8 Comments

  1. Elizabeth, you always flow so richly with the wisdom of the Lord. I always have to read over and over to absorb all the you release. I loved this part: (THE TRUTH BITES) The Truth will offend.
    The prophet(s) in Israel offended the religious (not the poor or needy) — but those in religious and political power — it cost some their lives. Everyone likes the approval of a yes-man, because it appeases the flesh. We all like to hear what we want to hear. We want what we want, when we want it. It’s our human/ carnal nature. All of us. YOU NAILED IT as always, my sister.  We absolutely cannot compromise in order to appease. A prophet who cannot speak truth that many times cuts right through the fleshly mindset that is often lodged in the heart is not speaking as God speaks. He speaks the truth in love (from God’s heart of love) and when it offends, God heals the humble heart. Thanks so much for sharing my friend. Love and rich blessings to you, Sandi

    • Dear Sister Sandi –

      What can I say but thank you. It was your encouragement to me (over a year ago) that caused me to take my many scribbling and sticky-notes msgs from the Lord – and share them online. Your encouragement came at the right time.  Blessings- Elizabeth

  2. Loved this word too.
    I did follow WA’s stuff briefly. I felt that she had a secret part to her ministry which was very spiritually powerful and made other ministers treat her with caution. Very watchable and very good with people discovering the prophetic. I count as an inner healing minister and to my surprise there were parts of WA’s teaching on it that I didn’t connect with. I wouldn’t say she misquoted the bible but I didn’t connect with the interpretation.
    Anyway, Elizabeth your commentary is obviously amazing. What can I say? Thank you!

  3. Elizabeth,

    WOW! LOVE this Word. On time & on target!  Let GODS Will be done! Well spoken & on fire for Him. Great examples given. Thank you so much for sharing.  GOD BLESS YOU! Bev

    • Thank you Beverly, and I appreciate all your timely words. They have been a much needed truth serum, often. You’re an obedient vessel for the King. Love in Jesus – Elizabeth

  4. Thank you Mama-Joyce.

    Oh, could that “shout” that came out of you- be the shout of the King ? Numbers 23:21. ‘And the shout of a King is among them’. Hallelujah to King Jesus today.

  5. Oh my, Elizabeth I just read and can only say thank you for speaking the truth so boldly!
    Im still weeping here before a Holy God.

    Just small exerpts:
    “God is pure Fire Glory… When I started reading those words a loud shout came out of me.

    “I believe with all my heart, our merciful God is trying to get us all out of ‘spiritual kindergarten’ and take us to the ‘Master’s class post-graduate school of this spirit’.”

    He wants us all to do some deep deep internal cleansing by allowing His Truth to show us truth as He is…”

    “Embraced in His Fire. If we don’t clean up our act now, we will be consumed by His fire then…”

    “We either become part of His holy fire now — or — get consumed by it later.”

    Bless you dear sister for your faithfulness to give us this Word. .

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