HomeProphecyProphetic Warning: How Bad is It Going to Get?


Prophetic Warning: How Bad is It Going to Get? — 8 Comments

  1. After reading your post Elizabeth I was instantly led to a very specific verse. “For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.” (HABAKKUK 2:3) Blessings to you Elizabeth Marie

  2. I believe there are a remnant of believers who have been taken through very intense time of testing through floods and fires. The world has been watching this happen from the audience as though this is just another performance to feed the flesh of greed and perversion. But they will soon see that This is That which was Spoken of. The Tidal Wave of His Glory will hit suddenly and with impact from behind them bringing those who survive out from under the antichrist veil which has been holding them in captivity to its deception. Those who’ve given they’re ‘yes and thank You’ will be the vessels used by Him to release the Pure Living Waters of His Love for ALL Creation.
    His Mercy is SOO Great!! His Love for His Creation is Far Reaching and His Arm of Salvation is nowhere near too short to save, even the darkest and most heinous.  His Living Word of Truth has NO Limits and NEVER returns void. Do we seriously think there is anything or anyone who can stop the One Who Created ALL things seen and unseen? The One Who stands in the Beginning and End at the same time? There is NOTHING impossible for the Creator of the Universe!! How Big is He to us? I can say this, He’s much much much bigger than the gods of this world think they are…and that is a True Story.
    God bless beautiful lady. :)

    • Cherish, I agree!  It is coming God’s glory is coming.  The Remnant has been in preparation for a long while.  God will also speak about a thing many years before it is manifested. So have the called-out ones who are waiting for the manifestation of their visions.  It is so near and with patience we gladly wait for it. God bless us all as we wait for His Glory.

      • Amen to both you and Cherish! Please check out “Behold I Come blogsite”..the remnant will soon arise, ((even as the 144,000…possibly one and the same))…transformed for and by God’s glory as Jesus walked the earth post-resurrection.  They will go on great exploits, unhindered and undetected.  Healing the sick, raising the dead, commanding the weather, whatever the Lord God says, they will say, and many will be saved during the judgments to be poured out.  Have had many dreams about this…

        • So true Lynette! And undetected is correct; many years ago the Lord revealed to me that it is not connected to any particle denomination, but God is revealing and the prophets will know much about this.

          • Yes!  It has been such a path of rejection, (spiritual) warfare, and absolute abandonment to the Lord’s will. Not fitting in anywhere (even at church); many tears cried. But…all glory to God…He is worth the cost, and His will is absolutely perfect!!

  3. Awesome word ! I too have been saying to God all of these voices abandoned prophecy of things to come but nothing has come to past. It almost makes you feel like God who’s really hearing from God I have just been asking God alone to show me the way. It’s so many churches out of alignment! God where is the safe place? God who are your true sons? Daily I’m seeking his face as darkness surrounds us. Some days it’s discouraging and some days I feel so disconnected from all of the voices saying this says the lord.

  4. “Are we set for destruction period?”

    Two things are happening at the same time from day one to day six, a pulling down of everything which is contrary to the first Holy creation ( Gen1:1 before day one) and a building up of that which belongs to the first creation “the first shall be the last and the last the first”.

    The hebrew words describes that before day one and the countdown began the earth became evil and filled with sorrow. At day seven God did rest from His (restoration) work and the heavens and earth was “finished”,which the hebrew word describes as “perished”.

    So,yes we are in a world doomed to complete destruction, but att the same time we are,IF we give ourselves wholly to God’s work inside us saved from that and will be transformed into His image with immortal bodies,as it was in the beginning (Gen1:1) before days were made. That is why Jesus say we shall pray “Your Kingdom comeas in heaven so also in Earth”, which refers to THE Beginning,before the days
    This is what the whole (first) creation waits for,and we are experiences this through these painfull birthpangs.

    I’ve heard from the Lord,2012, that this generation shall perish, but also heard 2021 “we are expecting bettet days”.
    The better days will come for those who faithfully continue in obedience no matter outward circumstances and your individual obedience will save your house (like Esther’s when she repented) even if they at this time are “full blood atheists”.

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