HomeProphecyReaching The Fifth Dimension


Reaching The Fifth Dimension — 6 Comments

  1. BRAVO! What a needed word, Deborah from your beautiful heart. I love this part..”I made you to reign in this life, to thrive and not just survive. There are places in the 5th Dimension — Pools of Healing Waters, Libraries of Wisdom and Knowledge — there are Wells of Joy to drink from and Tables of Heavenly Manna to feast on.” Those are Words to Live by. Love and blessings, Sandi Holman

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this with us Deborah!! Much much needed today!!
    The Lord knows that every time I hear Him speak about Isaiah 35, my heart leaps with joyful expectation!!
    He is so so Good!!
    God bless you beautiful lady!! :)

  3. This is AWESOME ! what a trip! lol get it! remember it was considered such a cool phrase from the 70’s lol! isnt it so amazing that God provides freedom from being bound to the earthly realm and provides us a trip/entrance up to heavenly realms via the anointed power of the Holy Spirit supernaturally anointed Shift to the glory realms! The Lord was speaking to me the other day about how His Bride is to rise above being EARTHBOUND! Thankyou Lord and for sharing Ms Deborah this word you shared is so richly anointed and UPLIFTING!

  4. The LORD showed me the High way of Holiness too, Deborah.
    We were all there. We were walking behind our King and we were singing. I could not hear words, but it was a soft but deep and intens song. A Holy song. It fibrated holiness. The whole walk what I saw was HOLINESS. A deep awareness of Holiness. The High Way was the only place where there was light. Everything else was covered in darkness and I heard mumbling and groaning and whispering and squeeking beside the way. Two enormous doors opened before us and I saw the Mountain of the LORD. It was shining with a Golden Light. We went there and we all took our position. Then it went real quiet. A Holy, very serious quietness. Oh my goodness Deborah. What a time to be alive. I love Him so much. We were all there. He didn’t lose one of us. As He promised. NOT ONE!

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