It is good to be quiet and reflect upon this Jesus who loves us so much. And oh the blessing for those who, tho they have not seen Him, they love them. If you think of it, it is a very peculiar relationship we have with the Living God, who has given His life so we could have life and enjoy it too the full.
What an awesome God He is to have made a man for fellowship. What do I have for Him? Yet, I am drawn to Him like a moth to a flame, and my heart burns inside for a closeness with Him that cannot be described….. I dare not try, for mere words are incomplete.
If you were to consider your life, as I do more as of late, you too would honestly say there has not been a moment that you have lived that has not been touched by His love…. especially the hard times, you have gained an appreciation of His love and care. HIS PROVIDENTIAL CARE……… fall upon your knees with me, and repent for the times you have thought otherwise than the truth. He is ever ready to receive you back after a time like this….oh what love.
I believe, with the lateness of the hour, He is gathering His children in the Upper Room to share His heart…… WILL YOU GO WITH ME? For the days ahead will be hard, may seem endless, often unbearable, and filled with confusion and heartbreak…… BUT YET, here in the midst of it all is the Lord, in your heart, and you need this intimacy with Him. Before now He has never left you, and, nor will He ever. This love He has for you is timeless, and it’s strength never diminishes no matter what comes.
This morning I, myself, am overcome, and my heart feels as though it will burst as He shows me his love. Oh brethren, be not complacent, be not reserved in showing your love for Him, for He has poured out Himself for you over and over. Take time to gaze into His eyes of love for You. For this should be your life, His love exemplified in all you say and do.
It is only in these alone times with God that He will share His heart with you. As you do, get ready for an overflow of joy, and peace, of assurance….. linger longer, praying in the Spirit and let His love change your life today and forever.
~ Celeste Dewey