HomeProphecySound the Trumpet!


Sound the Trumpet! — 6 Comments

  1. Thank you for sharing beautiful lady!! :)
    I’d like to share a testimony of an encounter I had with Jesus that changed my whole perspective.
    I’m an interior painter and work independently. I was in a time of coming out of severe discipline, which truly saved my life, and I had a job that absolutely had to be done, and it was Sunday…hmmm…what to do!! I battled with the accuser for days about this, praying the whole time for Wisdom and Holy Spirit guidance. I was sitting in Church that day tormented about what to do when suddenly all went silent and still, and the Lord Jesus spoke, and He said, ” I AM YOUR SABBATH!!” On the other hand, relationship is not a list of rules, but a constant ongoing connection in EVERYTHING that I do, He is the Center-out, and there TRULY is now therefore NO condemnation for me, the Law of the Spirit of Life, has COMPLETELY set me free from the law of sin and death!! The Cross has covered me and taken away the need to perform any ritual at all!! I don’t need to sin anymore, nor do I need to fear His Judgement if I slip up, it’s finished!! The Truth has set me Free, I’m free indeed!! There isn’t a single Day more important than another, they are ALL His…completely!!
    Wow!!! This fact has taken away the veil of condemnation and the fear of judgement, and has released into every area of my life the Goodness of the Lord!!!
    The accuser of the brethren can take a hike…he’s completely defeated!!
    God bless you, and Merry Christmas!!

  2. Amen, the Lord Jesus never abolished the dietary law. In reading MK.7:19 Thereby He declared all foods clean, He was talking about food. Pork, catfish, etc. was not, and still is not in the category of food. Hoshanarabbah.org articles can explain it in more detail.

  3. God bless you Angela, I always learn so much from you and your teachings have blessed me and helped me to understand what I don’t understand! Thank you! Merry Christmas!

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