The Army of Dry Bones Reiterated
The Army of Dry Bones is a recurring theme for quite a few prophets. I have noticed it again recently and, once again, The LORD has spoken to me about it.
Continue reading →The Army of Dry Bones is a recurring theme for quite a few prophets. I have noticed it again recently and, once again, The LORD has spoken to me about it.
Continue reading →A while back, some few years or so ago now, The LORD showed me that He had decided on a course of action that would stand The Church on its head!
Continue reading →I want to repost a Dream and Word that The LORD gave me in December 2018, regarding the rise of antisemitism and how it would impact America.
Continue reading →The LORD gave me the basis of this some seven years ago, but this morning He’s had me review and update it quite considerably.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “A great terror attack is coming in the form of fear aimed toward the economy of these United States.”
Continue reading →A time of Prosperity and Joy for the Believer — a time of trouble for the wicked. Above all — God’s Name will be glorified. Gideon’s Army is being raised to remove altars of Baal.
Continue reading →We have entered the time of birthing and great change. And although now it looks very dark, every now and then I see a glimpse of Light.
Continue reading →As I write this, I am seeing (in the Spirit) the battleship “USS JEHOVAH-CHEBAR” — ‘God of the Sword’. (United Sanctified Sons of Jehovah Chebar).
Continue reading →For the USA & The UK: Powerful Prophetic Signs: The Stump Will Surely Sprout Again; God’s Redemptive and Restorative Plans Are Being Revealed!
Continue reading →Mass suicides have historically shocked and devastated communities across the United States
Continue reading →The LORD said , “In the days ahead, you will need to be like this Butterfly looking ordinary, like a leaf that is brown, and laying down, or blending into a background of people.”
Continue reading →The United States of America as it was in the past, is now being consumed by evil before our eyes.
Continue reading →I heard The LORD speak: “Many believe that I have been slow to act on the problems in the United States of America — but I AM never late.”
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