The Spirit of Ichabod
Jesus died for the CHURCH and He is expecting His Body to walk through this Earth with His Authority. We are all elected officials approved to officiate the Word of God. Use your authority!
Continue reading →Jesus died for the CHURCH and He is expecting His Body to walk through this Earth with His Authority. We are all elected officials approved to officiate the Word of God. Use your authority!
Continue reading →I heard The LORD say, “My People….. Do not be consumed by evil instead: be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.”
Continue reading →I heard The LORD say, “Watch Me work! Watch Me work, children! Watch Me work miracles in the universe! Do you think I AM a heartless God?” asks The LORD.
Continue reading →“Idleness can be crippling. My people must find work to do that will alleviate burdens of their fellowman. Each of you has gifts to spur on the work of others,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →For I heard The LORD say, “There is going to be stagnation in the food supply, in sourcing and out-sourcing. Stores will begin limiting supplies to individual persons.”
Continue reading →Works do not save us, but — most definitely — our works shall judge us as God keeps in line with His Holy Word.
Continue reading →“Henceforth and forevermore, My Love will be in the earth. When people have scattered and gone their own way, I will be in the universe directing time and traffic.”
Continue reading →“My children I know you are suffering. I know your hopes and dreams are shattered. I know. I just know,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“Remember daughter, those things of old. Remember My Words spoken in times past. FOR ALL shall come to pass in this Millennium,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →The greatest Revival that man will ever know is coming! It shall be greater than The Welsh or Azusa Street Revivals.
Continue reading →“Here and now children I Declare My Will over your lives. It is My Kingdom come and Kingdom to come,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →I heard The LORD say, “There is an unveiling of the Jews coming daughter. I AM removing the covering so they can see all that I AM.”
Continue reading →Drum beats….. I heard the sound of professional drummers and saw a row of men in uniform marching into battle.
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