The Glory Road!
As I sit with The LORD he opens up the wall in front of me and I see a Golden Road begin to unfold.
This Road is made up of Balls of Light. There are millions of them — all clinging together to create a solid substance to walk on!
I instinctively know that I am on this Road with countless others who have answered the call to follow Jesus Christ. This is the “Glory Road” — full of His Favor!
All of us on this Path have been waiting for this for decades, struggling in prayer and supplication.
Many are climbing up onto this Road now. It is new to them — but they are smiling, full of joy — because Jesus Christ has called them!
On this Road we all know that Jesus is living within us,deep within our hearts. He is sparking life to go to new places and do new things with Him and for Him.
We can move forward now. The chains that held us back are off, falling because of the power of the sacrifice Jesus so freely gave.
His Favor is with us, and there is Healing in The Glory He is pouring out at this very moment.
New days are here. We will not even look the same, or desire what was so meaningless in the past.
He is overlaying His Peace, His Favor, His Glory right into our very being!
We are walking on a new Path.
Jesus is laughing and enjoying His People.
I see Him walking in this crowd, and nothing can stop this joy that flows with Him and through Him.
This is a New Age we are all stepping into — and this Road is ours to step onto!
“For God, who said, “Let brilliant light shine out of darkness,” is the one who has cascaded his light into us — the brilliant dawning light of the glorious knowledge of God as we gaze into the face of Jesus Christ.” 2 Corinthians 4:6 TPT
~ by Sean Schumacher
Sean Schumacher
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