HomeChristian LivingThe Modern Church Classroom Must Change!


The Modern Church Classroom Must Change! — 3 Comments

  1. Great insight.
    I have a bit of a different perspective though. I’m in a season of “waiting”. This doesn’t mean just sitting idle, I’m seeking, praying, learning…..waiting. There isn’t a more difficult season than waiting. I want so badly to just get out there, my flesh is screaming for it!! Just go!! What are you waiting for?!! If I did that at this time, I’d be in my flesh, and I’d be like so many who are now falling before the watching world. If it’s not Spirit led, then I’ll wait until it is. He’s stripped me of the “look at me” mindset by bringing into ashes everything in my life that the “world” calls pretty. I’m a shadow of what I used to look like, and the persecution as a result is daily and very cruel. But the beauty of His Spirit is growing on the inside of me, moment by beautiful, painful moment. The threshing floor is imperative, without it we’re fighting naked, and the enemy can see this!! Our Power can only come from a humble center-out reflection of Love Himself….this is produced in the Waiting Room.
    God bless you Mr. Price. :)

  2. Great post…….churches without walls are needed in the world today.

    Thanks for sharing,God bless!