HomeProphecyThe Path of Your Destiny is Straight Forward


The Path of Your Destiny is Straight Forward — 1 Comment

  1. Thank you for this special encouragement. Giving up was never an option. During these days I booked 2 dates for informative events that might be a door opener for a better future, where my GOD-given skills maybe lead to better income and recognition. In my almost 58 years (birthay next week) I surely know what it means to work hard and underpayed. I do not complain ! I am thankful for the job, but the winds of adversity blow so hard every day.
    I got a Bibleverse by post from a missionary field, this verse is written in Hebrew 12:3: CONSIDER HIM who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.
    This shall comfort all of you who experience the same !