HomeProphecyThe Rebuilding of The Altars of Consecration


The Rebuilding of The Altars of Consecration — 14 Comments

  1. I live in California and after I read this I heard – “Fires will begin in California and move East.”

    I have been praying for this for some time.  I asked will physical fires precede the spiritual fires?  I heard – “I have allowed physical fires to manifest in the west, but this is a fire season of fire from My throne that cleanses and purges California.  The coming fire will restore California to the calling I have for California that the enemy has tried to usurp, but I am drawing a line in the sand and saying enough is enough!  California is Mine and I will now have My way with it.  Look for the fires of revival that surpass all events that proceeded it.

  2. I’m still standing and contending for the Faithful Promises of the Father, and have already seen signs of this overturning shifting Kingdom Power beginning to pour out.
    But I believe…we ain’t seen nothing yet!! :D
    God bless you beautiful lady!! :)

  3. Wow! Yes. already Africa is being broken.  New men are coming in to take over the land.  Wonderful prophecy! Stephen Jones has spoken about this, just yesterday.  Thank you so much.  This is a verification of what is going on there.

    • I love Stephen Jones.  I read his work nearly every day.

      Very exciting prophecy! Thank you Ms Veronika. 

      I had a short dream this morning.  I was driving down the road with my dearest Christian friend at night.  It was very dark, but then up ahead in the sky I saw the moon peeking out from clouds and I could see a double rainbow, even in the dark.  We were so astonished we were shouting and excited to see rainbows at night, saying, “We’ve never seen this before!”.  (I took this to mean God’s promises will take us through in the dark times ahead.) I stopped the car at a church I knew, to call the pastor out to see but he was angry I had interupted him and didn’t want to hear what I was trying to tell him.  I gave up and walked back outside, only to see the sun had already come up and was shining.

  4. Wow, this is confirmation on words recently given by Robyn Bullock on the 11th Hour about Africa and a Mt Carmel moment, Tim Sheets about the writing on the wall and others. God is shouting his plans from the rooftops of the world through his prophets!!  We are in Australia -praying for revival and restoration of godly, Australia-loving governments!

  5. clip from trillium truth Vatican, oh Vatican, you evil witchcraft generating mafia. How dare you even utter My Name as the venom of asps is on your lips. The blood of children is on your hands and your mouths are open desecrating graves. You have assaulted Me by offending the Little Ones and I AM overturning your rule once and for all. I AM done with your church games. I AM finished with your mixing and matching My Word with that of the devil. How dare you! How dare you! You who once called Me Father but never knew My Son. You speak about holiness and My Goodness but your heart condemns you because you worship another. First your flesh and then the devil.
    Oh, how I will expose you and your centuries of defilements? How even until now you have stolen and kept hidden the Truth and My Word. But not for long. Watch, as I dismantle your principality. I AM cutting you off. The earth cannot yield to you so you have leeched off of My true Kingdom Carriers. But no more! The money flow shall stop. You will squirm and begin to squeal and like the foul hogs you are, living in muck and mire, feeding off of the innocence and blood…a roasting spit of your own making is ready. But those you have trusted, the spirits, they shall devour you. You will become a beast of the field and lose all your humanity to your flesh that has known no bounds of evil.

  6. Canada another witness
    I say to you court jester, Trudeau, who is comforting you now? Where are your friends? Where are your pals? Where are your titles and so-called honourifics? You are no more than a terrified child cowering in the corner and yet this pressure shall make you throw a tantrum. You seek vengeance on your own people. You have concocted schemes and ploys and you think you can muzzle an army of lions. Oh, how they see through you and will not submit again. You so hate freedom. You so despise and sneer at the Canadian people.
    You are an untruthful weasel and you shall be plucked up by your tail and shaken. All the papers, undercover deals, secret meetings and new lockdown measures and treaties shall be shaken out from your pockets like the school bully you are!

  7. I’m a painter, house painter. I have been for many years now. I love to make beauty out of ashes for people…it brings such Joy.
    Anyway, I like watching home improvement shows for that same reason. I say all this because one day while at home I heard the Father speak clearly, ” I’m pouring out My Spirit on the Northland.”
    I live in Minnesota, a State that borders Canada.  For the USA, our Northern neighbors are Canada, and we consider the Northern States to be the Northland. So I’ve been praying for both in agreement with the Spirit.
    The other day I was watching a Home improvent show where a husband and wife from Canada were looking to buy a vacation home in the USA. One of the houses they were shown was named “THE KEY HOUSE!!” The plumbing was shot, (this I found funny because of what the Lord has been speaking to me about the dung in our Land), the electrical was shot, floors needed to be replaced, and I believe a new roof as well…but when they were finished Canada moved into the United States of America in one of the most exquisite homes I’ve ever seen restored!!! :D
    I especially wanted to share this for the reason of recruiting more prayer. This house was in our Southland. I believe the Spirit will only increase as the Key is turned and the Gushing Waters from the Father’s Throne are released bringing Unity and complete Healing to our land…heading straight for Mexico!!  :D
    God bless your beautiful, diligent, passionate heart Veronika!!

    • Yes, there are prophecies out there of a merging of America and Canada under a Kingdom government. May the Lord’s will be done in all things.

      • Look what Almighty God did with Pharaoh. Father you have NO rival and NO equal. Lord I lift the nations Canada, United States of America, Australia, The Nations of Africa, The United Kingdom Father Thank You that You would do this in these Nations. Let Your Fire fall. Do only what You can do. Be Glorified Father, Jesus be Lifted High. ALL GLORY TO YOUR NAME

  8. Wow! Such an astounding beauty in the words of the Father. Thank you LORD, that Your Will be done on earth as is it in heaven! Canada, yes Canada! Father we welcome Your words!
    Thank you for sharing the Love of the Father.

      • BRAVO! It is here. Behold it appears NOW IS THE TIME. The Lord has staged the BIG SHOW.IT is now curtain time for so many things the Lord spoke through His prophets here on HKP in 2022!! Indeed, Showdown is here! PRAYING…Sandi Holman

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