HomeBiblical TeachingThe Sovereign Will of God


The Sovereign Will of God — 3 Comments

  1. God the son Holy 1 Lord Christ Kalki Krishna Lion Lamb the Living word of God Amen Jesus in the flesh Charles Andrew Oyedele Ososami A38man Captain Cats Cradle Hooks son of Tezcatlipoca.

  2. O.M.G… this is phenomenal! Believers, I hope you’re grasping how huge and powerful this teaching of salvation is all about…Glory be to God… how blessed and wonderful to be chosen by Him. Thank you our Sovereign King for your love and kindness. Thank you our dear brother for the clarity of this amazing teaching. Shalom to you Pastor.

  3. I find it interesting to read about what Esau was doing prior to the interaction with Jacob.  In the historical book of Jasher chapter 27 it talks about Esau killing Nimrod just a short time before he chose to forego his birthright and property in exchange for a meal.

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