HomeProphecyThere Will Come a New Perception of Clarity


There Will Come a New Perception of Clarity — 1 Comment

  1. There is a movement that appears to attempt to pigeon-hole prophets into certain political beliefs rather than The Truth.

    Oh, how true is the above statement! The “movement” isn’t organic, but planned, deliberate and from the wicked one. A huge, controlled psy-op. And people are completely unaware since they don’t test their own prophecies against God’s Word, and from which Spirit it was given. Or when they do, they test it against THEIR (taught) idea of what God’s Word said or meant. Like the controversial topic, “Who is Israel”. Do they search God’s Word on what He said about it, or do they believe their taught opinion?

    From Americans, I find the latter to be true in the far majority of cases. Which is exceptionally sad, when they will one day realise who God actually saw as “Jacob” and “Israel” and “Jerusalem” and “Zion”. How He traced the bloodline descendants, and who and how He added “gentiles” onto the Tree of Life, Jesus Christ. If only they’d opened their eyes sooner, so much heartache could be spared for them.