HomeProphecyThis Is the End of an Era, Says The LORD!


This Is the End of an Era, Says The LORD! — 4 Comments

  1. On Dec 21,2015 you had a very clear word that “A Republican won’t be elected. For the system will be broken.”  Yet today’s message seems to point to the Republican candidate of Trump.  We shall see in two days if the previous message to you was from the Lord. The goal here is not criticism but rather discernment as we are to test all spirits and these words may be in conflict.

    • Hope,

      I have reread Stephen’s message again.  How on earth did you get the impression that Trump would be elected president by reading this message today?  I could very much see this as Hillary Clinton being elected and Trump saying that the election was rigged.  Thereby, his supporters would go crazy with their guns and violence in the streets.

    • Leslie, this is NOT about the recent state elections, but the ONE that is to come in Nov. 2024. Get your facts straight.

  2. Thank you for your prophetic words Stephen.
    I am convinced that the Lord speaks in different ways, with specific signs to different people depending on His relationship with them.
    But there is some things that I am sure are true warning signals and that is when the prophets refers to numbers or colors or other things as ‘signs’ without any biblical ground or how many times a thing is mentioned in the Bible as if it is a kind of ‘confirmation’.
    With biblical ground I mean without a revelation from the Spirit about that specific thing which THEN can be proved over and over again and which opens up a deeper understanding of the Word and THEN will – when it is understood – be in one or another way also confirmed in the Hebrew origin words.
    Now the Lord speaks about things that is not (with the physical eye) mentioned in the Bible but nevertheless, the foundation of what He says, will always be confirmed in His Word and/or in previous revelations that one has received because He is building us up in knowledge to be a house that will stand and in that house every piece must fit perfect into the previous and the next.

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