HomeChristian LivingTruth Always Outweighs Lies!


Truth Always Outweighs Lies! — 5 Comments

  1. FATHER thank You for YOUR WISDOM AND A DISCERNING HEART, SO THAT WE MAY KNOW THE TRUTH AND ALSO TO KNOW THOSE THAT LABOR AMONG US!  The Lord said HE will would EXPOSE and EXPEL the lies of the enemy- and that we know is True.  As a born again believer we need to follow the leading of Holy Spirit regarding ALL Matters! The enemy called the Accuser of the Brethren – is always going to Divide, Lie, Steal, Deceive, Manipulate, Destroy, Kill, etc- AND THANK GOD he IS ALSO DEFEATED!!!  HOWEVER, IT is iso very crucial NOW -more than ever, that we pray God’s ‘Perfect Will, regarding EVERYTHING -because we know that God in HI SOVEREIGNTY, ‘also has a Permissive Will.  We should Always Desire & Pray HIS Perfect Will. Matthew 10:16: “Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be ‘wise as serpents and innocent as doves” LORD HELP US TO PRAY YOUR PERFECT WILL, AS WE PRAY YOUR WORD, RIGHTLY DIVIDING YOUR WORD! BLESSINGS TO ALL☝❣️

  2. I could not agree more. If this is only the beginning, many who bought into the sensationalism of the tabloids will be so ready to jump on the bandwagon of lies about other more concerning trends. They now have the church going audience who are ready, willing, and blind

  3. The lie is always in the details. Satan contaminates the body of Christ with his lies by telling 99 truths and 1 lie. That 1% seems like nothing, but it is the seed of lie that will then sprout and contaminate everything else. Therefore, we must be careful of those prophets who prophesy 99 truths and 1 lie. Because they may seem inspired by the Holy Spirit, and instead they are sowers of tares and death.

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