HomeProphecyYou Are a Chosen Generation (Updated)


You Are a Chosen Generation (Updated) — 7 Comments

  1. Sandi, precious sister of The Most High King, thank you for sharing this message. I receive into the depths of my life and existence. I had this word “gathering” following me around for about six months, before I realized it a couple of months ago. The King and Shepherd is gathering the nations unto his Father’s heart and home! The nations are His, and He will have His reward! “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof…” the earth belongs to Him and His children, and it does not belong to Babylon and its structure or systems. He is calling out His people to come out of her, and He is gathering and separating the nations unto one King and kingdom, one God, one faith, one baptism, one Spirit. I am so ready for the ending of the matrix of Babylon! All allegiance and honor to King Jesus! Blessings of the Most High be upon you and your family!

  2. Thank you Sandi, for sharing the words that God gave you.  This is meant for as many as will hold fast to His Word and His calling for each born again Christian.

    • Amen and yes, dear Julie. We must be the remnant that is holding fast to His word for this is a great separation time. Thanks so much for your response. I appreciate your comment. Many blessings, Sandi Holman

  3. Hallejuah, Sandi for this powerful Word from Abba Father! Amen to the spot on words of encoragement, warnings and truth spoken.

    So true and we must heed and listen to that still small voice.

    “You are living in an hour when many voices are vying for attention, but My Voice shall be distinguished as a still small voice.”

    Love hugs and blessings my dear sis and ‘friend.’

    • Indeed, Joyce, I so love your powerful agreement. Time seems to suddenly be flying by. Thanking God for giving us discernment. SO much love and hugs back at you dear friend, Sandi

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