HomeProphecyAsk God for His Wisdom & Counsel!


Ask God for His Wisdom & Counsel! — 3 Comments

  1. I thank God for these words which stir up faith to believe for the wisdom I have asked God for, so that I may know which way He desires me to go.

  2. “If you wait for others to direct you, you are not taking the steps of faith that I order for you.”

    Yes, Thank you for these Words which is the essential core of the true walk with the Lord.
    This is also why things like – which one often can see among ‘believers’ – asking others for interpretaion of dreams etc. is absloute and totally misleading both from the one who asks (who does not seek the Lord) and from the one who claims that he/she can interpret (and by this put him/herself over God) others dreams.

    Every time we consulting another human (walking in the flesh) then we ask for the answer from another spirit than the Lord
    The difference is if the Lord speaks to us through another person without that the person has knowledge about the matter before.