HomeProphecyAvoid A Deceiver & An Anti-CHRIST Such As A Jehovah’s Witness, A Mormon


Avoid A Deceiver & An Anti-CHRIST Such As A Jehovah’s Witness, A Mormon — 4 Comments

  1. Also, I went to an Aunty’s place in the city one holiday & while my Aunty traveled, her neighbour who is a Mormon lured me to their Church of Jesus Christ in latter day saints. Although, the church atmosphere was serene but when they started preaching & mentioning former American president & other people’s speeches & backing their quotes from the book of Mormon, my spirit just knew I was in a wrong Circe. But I still took their communion that day too as i couldn’t resist it. Afterwards, my aunty’ neighbour brought the book of Mormon (Another testaments of Jesus Christ by Joseph Smith) & other Mormon materials & he started teaching me how to use them side by side with the Holy Bible. This is where the deceiving started from. Remember, I only attended one service but I became eager to know more about the book of Mormon as I was told I could find the truth in it. Unknown to me, I was already indoctrinated & was sinking deeper until my Aunty returned & caught me reading these Mormon books. She angrily seized them & set them ablaze citing they are occult books.  I was very bitter then but now look back & have every reason to say thank you Jesus Christ for delivering me. Thank you Apst. Jacob

  2. Out of pity, I once asked a Jehovah’s witness student who had accommodation problem to move into my room & the fellow made life miserable for me & my wing mates. I was always living in fear. I couldn’t help myself. it took the Grace of God & the effort of all my good wing mates who saw I had been turned into an errand student & a slave at the Jehovah’s command. They held a secret meeting behind I & the Jehovah’s who were out for lectures. And that evening, they forcefully sent the stubborn demonic Jehovah’s witness out of my room. And my Peace was restored.

  3. I have a relative who is into universalism.  He was ok but just a few years ago he became a follower of this doctrine.  They believe that our Father will not send anyone to hell, that somehow everybody is going to end up in heaven.  Would you please pray for him, his name is Dan and his family.  Thank you in advance.  God bless you for posting this.

  4. Thank you for sharing this word. I am an ex mormon now the deliverance was a long 4 year fight to get all agreement of devil bride as so many demons to count and a snake wrapped around my mind. Keep me a soul tie to anti Christ spirit not Jesus Christ God living son. I got Freedom in working of cross and healing of shut doors. I was heading to hell without knowing.

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