HomeProphecyBreakthrough From The Snare of the Fowler


Breakthrough From The Snare of the Fowler — 5 Comments

  1. This word from the Lord speaks directly to me. I’m in transition of a new dimension in Christ Jesus. Satanic forces have been trying to stop me from moving forward. I speak the word of God over my life. 1John 4:4. I have overcome them, because He who is in me is greater than any forces that try to come after me! Your message is confirmation
    we are surrounded by God favor like a shield. Amen! God bless you Woman of God!!

  2. Praise the Lord God! Amen! God bless you, Dr. Dee Evans! I embrace and totally understand this message and Word from the Lord. I’m very careful with whom I receive prophetic messages from, especially in this season of great warfare with the adversary, but this Word from the Lord certainly clarifies so much.

    It is in the name, the authority of Jesus Christ, that these demonic oppositions are nullified, those harassing, tormenting, taunting spirits are dealt with in the name of Jesus Christ, decreeing, declaring, standing in the full authority of Jesus Christ,to see those evil doors closed. Thank you, Lord Jesus – for this dear and blessed Sister in Jesus Christ. God bless you, Dr. Dee Evans, may the Lord God continue to use mightily in these end times. I extend love, peace and blessings, to you, your family and the entire Church Family. Maranatha!❤️️

  3. I woke up at 2:17 am and could not get back to sleep.  Just the day before I found out that there are still people who are spreading malicious gossip about something that happened 20 years ago.  20 YEARS!  (I lost my farm and over half a million dollars due to corruption and very shady behind closed doors “deals”). It hit me hard.
    And then, I read your message last night and that hit me harder!  Whoa!  THANK YOU LORD, and thank you Dr. Evans!  All is well.  I am still on target and am not disqualified in any way. God is so good!

  4. GRAZIE!!! Questa profezia conferma e chiarisce i fatti soprannaturali che davvero stanno accadendo nella mia vita; è un potente incoraggiamento che mi esorta a non cedere alla paura, ma a rafforzarmi nella preghiera e a confidare nella vittoria!

    [ HKP : Google Translate : “THANK YOU!!! This prophecy confirms and clarifies the supernatural facts that are really happening in my life; It is a powerful encouragement that exhorts me not to give in to fear, but to strengthen myself in prayer and to trust in victory!” ]

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