HomeProphecyEvaluation Time has Arrived for Many!


Evaluation Time has Arrived for Many! — 2 Comments

  1. Normally I don’t often respond to the comments, but this one really resonates in my Spirit. I have been feeling exactly like you have said, I have pulled back from people for a season. I really don’t want to speak too much right now, but I did not understand why. A word the Holy Spirit gave me was “Cloistered” it means to:
    cloistered play
    adjective clois·tered \ˈklȯi-stərd\
    Popularity: Bottom 40% of words
    Simple Definition of cloistered
    : separated from the rest of the world : protected from the problems and concerns of everyday life.

    I believe I am one of those people who are in a quiet mode.  I have just been observant of what is going on around. 

    Your word is confirmation to me to remain quiet and still at this time.

    The Lord has ministered to me about all lot of prophetic websites and prayerline conference calls that he has not sent to people to do.
    He showed me that those people want their spiritual marketshare, to give a quick word and ask for a donation.

    They are really operating under a spirit of divination.  They will not last.  God does not charge for encouraging his people. They are like prophetic horoscopes, and he will judge them.

  2. Sister, you are such a blessing to me and I just wanted to tell you that I love you. So there it is! Haha Be blessed and know that you are a BLESSING!

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