HomeProphecyI AM your Advocate!


I AM your Advocate! — 7 Comments

  1. Correction, I now stand on your written words for the originator enemy number 1, enemy number 2, has been removed by the Power of my words, by my decrees. I will continue to stand, for my words shall not return to me void. The All Powerful Almighty God, is with me, and his Warring Angels, are assign to take them out. Glory to God, Victory is assured for me, as I stand in his authority. Amen !

  2. I now stand on the Authority of your written words again for the originator enemy number 2, and I decree a removal from this demonic force coming against me, in the name above all names Jesus, a deliverance from all his weapons thrown at me, for he has No Power, No Authority, over me, for I am anointed, given the keys of the Kingdom, and whatsoever I shall bind on earth, shall be bind in heaven, and whatsover I loose, on earth, shall be loose in heaven, for All Authority has been given to me, and no devil, can can prevail against me, the child of the most high, for he abides in me, and I am in him, I’m Victorious, Abundantly Blessed, Highly Favored, Joint Heirs in Christ Jesus, our Risen King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. I Speak to that Mountain, for it is a Mountain, Be Thou Removed From My Life, In Jesus name, be thrown into the fire, for you are a liar, and the Father of all lies.
    You have No Rights Here, be gone from my life in Jesus name. Amen and Amen. What I Speak Shall Come To Pass, It Is Finished, bought and paid for at the cross of Jesus. I decree No Weapon, formed against me shall prosper and every tongue which rises up against me in judgement, I shall condemn.

  3. Testimony, Jesus, has delivered me from the hand of my enemy at my work.
    I decreed a Removal from this individual in prayer and in spiritual warfare for Abba, to intervene, as he has ask me to Speak his Words, to bind the enemy forces coming against me, to decree a thing and it shall be done for me, and so be it. This wicked, demonic individual used by satan, has resigned from my place of employment. Shouts of Victory !!!!! Oct.11,2016
    she gave her resignation, and the following week on Oct.21,2016 she was out, gone bye bye. Yes, Lord, Glory, Honor and Higher praises lifted up to you. Amen and Amen !!!!!

  4. Abba, I thank you once more today for your awesome words for me, for it was a much needed word for me this day, as I know your words, and have used them
    this very day October 6, 2016 against my enemies coming against me at my work, for I know your words are Powerful, and as I prayed and taken what was
    coming against me using your weapons you have given to me, I know that I have the Victory, and that you always causes me to Triumph, in Christ Jesus.
    I shall Not be Moved. What my enemies meant for harm, for evil, is turning upon their heads this very day, for vengeance is the Lord’s.  He will repay every wrongs and make it right for me, my Defender.
    I’m his Elect, his chosen one. Thank you Daddy, for shutting the mouths of my accusers, in Jesus name, for you are a Righteous Judge. I am set free. I am Innocent. Thank you for being my Defense Attorney and Judge, Awesome Savior, for I am indeed more than a Conqueror in Christ Jesus.
    I decree in Jesus name, let my enemies, be scattered, Remove them far away from my presence.
    I thank you for the Victory, it is done. Glory to God! Amen!

  5. Thank you Abba for your words of truth. I love you. I love your words, spoken to me this day. Glory, blessings, to you Abba.

  6. Wow! Thank you for these powerful words. Indeed I am a more than a conqueror in Christ. God bless you always.

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