HomeProphecyMore Fire


More Fire — 3 Comments

  1. A couple of years before covid, God gave me a dream that I was in a ship and there was a huge storm. I cried out to the Lord and he appeared in the prow of the ship, shining bright & with arms outstretched (like the statue in Rio de Janeiro). Suddenly, I was safe on shore, but there was much devastation. Newer houses & buildings built near the quay & waters edge, were all damaged & destroyed. Meanwhile the older buildings built back from the edge with more traditional materials & methods had all survived.  I shared this with my pastor but he did not think it was appropriate to share.

  2. Almost all hear that it is coming but will you be able to stand when it does. The little breeze blowing now is just a hint at what is about to happen. Even if I told you most still would not believe. Even so the fire is about to fall.

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