HomeProphecyNo More Trips Around the Mountain!


No More Trips Around the Mountain! — 4 Comments

  1. I read this word a few days ago and admit…God just BLOWS my mind…on a regular basis these days!!!
    Just a day or two before this prophecy was posted I prayed,
    “Lord! What am I doing wrong? Why am I like the Israelites going round and Round and ROUND this mountain???
    After all these years in the wilderness, I’m ready to step into the Promised Land (my Destiny)!!
    But I’m OBVIOUSLY doing something wrong. Quite possibly the SAME thing?
    What is it, Lord? What am I not hearing? What am I not learning?”
    What is this MOUNTAIN that stands in my way? Circling it…in its mammoth girth… spinning my wheels and wasting precious time ~
    I feel the Lord say,
    “It’s time that thing is REMOVED!! It’s time to SPEAK to that mountain. It’s time for the mountain to CRUMBLE at my feet like the walls of Jericho so that I may walk through the rubble as the Israelites marched through the parted waters of the Red Sea on dry land!!”
    Woohoo!! I love when the Lord speaks!! He just amazes me…over and over again! (HE, just this moment, gave me this revelation as I was posting here.)
    He’s so….BIG and I’m so small. So unworthy of this monumental task He calls me to. I’m a nobody. A sinner of immense proportions!Broken and humbled. Having been sifted, falsely accused and imprisoned, thrown in the pit and left for dead. Thrust into the fire time and again ~ burning off the dross and deepening my character. And all the while saying, “Owie, God. That hurts!”
    He just spoke the word, “admonish” so I pulled up the definition:

    [ ad-mon-ish ]
    verb (used with object)

    to caution, advise, or counsel against something.

    to reprove or scold, especially in a mild and good-willed manner:

    to urge to a duty; remind:

    (to admonish them about their obligations.)

    Ok….focusing :)

  2. Thank you for sharing, it’s been awhile since I have read your prophecies, it’s amazing how they confirm so much that has been flowing through my spirit.  GOD Bless you ABUNDANTLY! SHALOM!

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