HomeProphecyA Now Word for The UK: Without The Truss, The Roof Shall Fall


A Now Word for The UK: Without The Truss, The Roof Shall Fall — 20 Comments

  1. I do not understand who appoints the British Prime Minister, is it the people or the conservative party?  Do the citizens not vote on who they choose to have in office?

    • The people elect the party in an election. Whoever leads that party is PM. If the PM resigns or is removed for whatever reason the party is still the government because they were elected. There is set procedures for such within the parties. Recent events are unusual but the Conservatives are still the elected government.

  2. The powers that be were planning to get rid of Liz Truss from Day 1.
    I believe she was chosen for a time such as this and woe to those who ushered her out thru hook or crook.  I believe she could not be bought or manipulated, so the plan to remove her was formed.  People don’t talk to or listen to God.  They don’t know Holy Spirit.
    They are ignorant of the Ways of God.  I fear for what is coming on Great Britain with the new PM.  I sense he is a weak man.

  3. I wonder if the “roof of the house” relates to the Government or the UK?
    Further, the Tories, who instigated the crowning of Rishi Sunak, wanted him as Prime Minister by Diwali, even though the contest of selection should have lasted for 4 more days. Is today being Diwali spiritually significant?

  4. At this time it is hard to see a red line in the prophetic words as an „Elizabethan Era“ had been anounced for Liz Truss as has been a Churchill like reign for Boris Johnson….
    I read that Liz Truss gave up and stepped down by her own decision…

    A bit confusiong for me right now.

  5. This new guy is bad news. WEF puppet for pro-vaccine mandates and CBDC’s. He was installed and part of the globalist cabal’s major plans to bring on tyranny to the people.

    The New PM of Italy also seems to br=e falling in line with the globalists. Very disappointing.

    • Yes, very disappointed by Italys new PM but she was what the controllers have given us to create the illusion. But God is still on the throne and Damascus Roads do happen. Prov 21v1.

  6. The nation of Italy “will give the boot to EU”. Nation’s and borders will align with God’s will. Just like it is in heaven , here on earth.

  7. Lately, I’ve been calling myself and behaving like a ‘No nonsense woman’ – this from being a doormat and timid individual.  Resonates with ‘Iron Lady’

  8. I am confused as to how Queen Elizabeth had anything to do with the appointment of Elizabeth Truss.  Queen Elizabeth has been dead for quite some time prior to the public announcement of her death per numerous sources as well as our own visual abilities to see different personas portraying the queen.  Any thoughts or explanations are greatly appreciated.  Thank you for your vigilance and sharing timely messages.

    • Dont fall for all that been dead for ages. She bad been seen in public and private countless times by thousands of people previous to her death. From servants to soldiers, general public to gamekeepers, hospital staff to foreign dignitaries. She appointed Truss as PM. Altho it’s all ceremony and in reality the PM tells the crown what to do

      • Agree.  Don’t fall for it being the queen they paraded around & used CGI in the manner of Disney to easily fool so many until it was the right timing to tell the masses she was dead.  Guess it works or they wouldn’t keep doing it.

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