HomeProphecyProphetic Message: “Cannot Buy or Sell!”


Prophetic Message: “Cannot Buy or Sell!” — 25 Comments

  1. Liz, what did the LORD say is the mark of beast? I need more light on this subject. And a little more about the will of God.

  2. thank u for sharing the message of God , God bless u always i pray that the lord jesus christ continue to use u for his honor and glory to share his messages to his children i also pray that his children take this prophecy seriouly in jesus name Amen

  3. I have severally received visions about somethings quite smaller than airplanes that passed over me highly and serious wars where no mercy was granted.

  4. Very true.Time is up.For us Kenya, we are much aware of this for the LORD has raised his most dreadful Mightiest prophets of the endtime Dr. David Edward Owour to prepare the church globally for the coming of the Messiah

  5. Hi Liz, I have also been receiving dreams & words which I believe are from the LORD. I received a very disturbing one re a normal day at work, I then noticed the sun & stars going past repeatedly as I looked out of the window, terror then struck as I realised that disaster was coming, I tried to take cover behind a car to protect my grand children but knew that it was pointless & waited for the oncoming destruction.
    I believe that the LORD was saying that he has speeded up time and his judgement is coming quickly and can not be stopped.  It will occur on a “normal day” while everyone is about their usual business and then suddenly destruction will occur. The LORD is indeed calling HIS church to Holiness.

  6. Who are you? And where are you from? Which churchor denomination do you go to? This message seems to be very serious!

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