HomeProphecyResurrection of the Wounded Head of the Beast


Resurrection of the Wounded Head of the Beast — 2 Comments

  1. Oh my goodness. This witnesses with my spirit! Never thought I’d see the day that any in America would endorse Communism…… But…..we only thought it was dead

  2. I dreamed of the red dragon summoning Obama to take his place and Obama DEMANDED that I command that my church people, Christians would BOW TO THE DRAGON AND WORSHIP IT AS A GOD AND I REFUSED! I didn’t understand the correlation of the red dragon in Revelation and Communist China when I initially received the dream until about a month ago…So I do believe it will happen hopefully not for MANY YEARS as you’ve spoken…We know in parts prophesy in parts….Still have much to learn…https://youtu.be/0TqyyH5nqmE