Rise Up Remnant!
A Word for the Remnant
You are the Chosen Ones who have listened to The Voice of The LORD and obeyed it.
You feel you don’t know the way because you’ve never been there before.
In fact very few people have attained the level of intimacy with Yeshua that you have and will continue to reach.
The bar is set high.
The walk is deep and narrow, and few find it.
Some of you are pioneers in this leg of the race. No one has gone here before and dealt with the giants you are facing.
But know that He is God and Jesus IS the Way.
You will reach the finish line a Victor because you continue to walk with Him and let Him lead and guide you.
He is refining your spiritual hearing and developing your eyes to see in the spiritual realm.
Go through Jesus and not any other door. Be careful of what you hear and receive into your heart. Fine tune your heart to hear His still small voice.
Rise up Remnant!
It’s time to get on your horse and ride with Jesus, sword in one hand and a sceptre in the other.
It’s time to conquer the giants and restore order in the land.
It’s time to rule and reign with Christ!
~ Heidi Bryden
Heidi Bryden is a devout follower of The LORD Jesus Christ, whose desire is to hear and obey the calling on her life to serve Him, through sharing what the Holy Spirit impresses upon her through poems, dreams, and words of knowledge.