HomeProphecySinking into The Light of God


Sinking into The Light of God — 4 Comments

  1. I read this in God’s perfect timing. Today I was feeling overwhelmed by the suffering and fear in the world and feelings of rejection and hopelessness in my own life, I had been reading a secular book as well that had a spirit of depression. I almost fell into a sin I usually used to turn to when I felt bad, but God gave me a warning dream not to do so last night, and I remembered it and turned away from that. As I repented and cried to God, bringing Him my broken heart, I felt the peace of the Holy Spirit. Then I saw a vision of myself surrounded by a circle of light, like I was laying on the sun, and felt His complete peace and presence. Later, I watched a video on YouTube with a prophecy from this website, and visited this website for the first time. Then I saw that you have written this post today – what a beautiful confirmation from our Father of Lights. Thank you my sister in Christ.

  2. This morning I stood in awe at the balcony, watching the extraordinary brilliant white-golden light upon the lake (before your article was published) then the rays were beaming into and through my rooms. Though I avoid facebook since months, I decided to send you a spontaneous picture in the comment section. Now I am going to clean the windows, it will be even more beautiful ;)

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